stay alert friends

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Never have went to sleep before, but did use a guardrail to "slow down' once. Two broken ribs and collapsed a lung and kidney. I went back to using the brakes after that. Hope he heels up well.

Glad to see all these replies. I know it happens to everyone. I'm not one to admit it or recognize it. But it only takes a millisecond. And thanks for all the get wells. I will pass them on.

He is doing well. Very bored. He can't move around much. Just enough to get to the bathroom. I have a crazy pic of his xray but I can't get it to post.

Hope for a speedy recovery. Like was said knowing your limits is important, then actually doing something about it is key. I've read where a few of these LD guys have just pulled over cat napped on the bike. Normally a quick gas stop gets me going again.

I will add staying alert also means exit idea at stops. I was rear ended Monday at 7am dump truck at 40+ hit a car behind me and she lifted my f150 two feet in the air. 5 hrs in trauma center. Going for CT tomorrow. Now to end my great week I was only working half days ...... I get rear ended again this time stopped at a side street leaving.

Month before that going to a group ride I stop at a light was yellow already and a car blows around me in the left turn lane thru a red light.

Never ever had issues like that riding yes be alert !!!!! Ride safe

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Sorry to hear about your brother's misfortune. I thankfully have no story to add, not that I haven't pushed it too far before, I have been extremely lucky in the days of my mispent youth and am a lot more careful these days.
