Stupid 08 that IS pretty AGAIN!!

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Since there's no sheet time with this one, and I'm sorry for your pain, having been through a couple of low-speed (but not collision-induced) get-offs, I feel I can ask:
Isn't the right side off limits for lane-sharing? Just askin'. I'm sure some others might have some testimony on that.

I asked the cop the same question......

...... He said, that there was a bike lane and a right turn lane, and I had the same right as a bicycle and anyone driving a car with or without their turn signal on, has to

make sure the lane is clear before making a right turn.

Bummer about the bike, good you're OK. An e-mail to Gauraurd (sp?) in order?

Interesting comment from the cop. If there hadn't been a bike lane, would your position on the street have been illegal? Did you know (and plan because of it) that there was a bike lane there before you rode into it? I thought riding a motor vehicle in a bike lane was illegal in CA (and most other places) except for crossing it to make a turn?

Does our resident lane splitter JB have an observation?

Just curious.

I wish I could picture this intersection. I looked on Google Earth and couldn't find where Willow Road crosses 101 in San Jose. More info? It does seem to me if there was both a "going straight" lane and a "right turn" lane, you could legally split those (and of course hope the person in the going straight lane was, in fact, going to go straight). Was she in the "straight only" lane?

More importantly, what the hell were you doing up posting here at 4:30 this morning??? I've got a whole dang mouthful of worms, waiting to hear on that one.

I wish I could picture this intersection. I looked on Google Earth and couldn't find where Willow Road crosses 101 in San Jose. More info? It does seem to me if there was both a "going straight" lane and a "right turn" lane, you could legally split those (and of course hope the person in the going straight lane was, in fact, going to go straight). Was she in the "straight only" lane?
More importantly, what the hell were you doing up posting here at 4:30 this morning??? I've got a whole dang mouthful of worms, waiting to hear on that one.

She was headed straight, and the turn lane is mostly bike lane..... I get up at 4am to go to work..... ugh.......


. look at willow and coleman.... at the light headed for 101, she was hugging the center line and I was on her right..


SOOOOOooooooo I had my video camera on when the appraiser showed up... ... he said, You are recording me??!! Yep I said, just

to make sure you hear what I say and I hear what you tell me...... ;>

We went round and round pointing at this and that, he took a bunch of pics and then split. So now I wait to here what his report says.

My insurance agent showed up about the same time and said I should get my bike to a shop and get it fixed and what ever the difference

between the cost to fix it and what her insurance pays, my insurance will go after her company for the balance.... sounds good right !!??.. :huh: ..whats

wrong with this picture?? sounds too easy!!.. <_< and who is the best dealer to take my baby to???????????....


Good on yah, having the camera. Hadn't thought of that before. I normally just open carry, they get the idea? :)

Thanks, Brian. So she made a right from the wrong lane. From the California Driver's Handbook, "Bicycle Lanes" section: "When you are making a right turn and are within 200 feet of the corner or other driveway entrance, you must enter the bicycle lane to make the turn." (Where she should have been.)

So if you were passing her on the right, and planning to go straight, I think maybe you would have been in the wrong. But if you were planning to turn right, which would have been perfectly correct and legal (and I'm SURE that's what you were actually doing), you were an innocent victim of another cager's stupidity. Stick to that one. ;)

Thanks, Brian. So she made a right from the wrong lane. From the California Driver's Handbook, "Bicycle Lanes" section: "When you are making a right turn and are within 200 feet of the corner or other driveway entrance, you must enter the bicycle lane to make the turn." (Where she should have been.)
So if you were passing her on the right, and planning to go straight, I think maybe you would have been in the wrong. But if you were planning to turn right, which would have been perfectly correct and legal (and I'm SURE that's what you were actually doing), you were an innocent victim of another cager's stupidity. Stick to that one. ;)

I was on my way to check out that park..... :)

Check out San Jose Yamaha. They do good work, and they are walking distance to the house and cold beer.

Bummer about the bike, good you're OK. An e-mail to Gauraurd (sp?) in order?
Interesting comment from the cop. If there hadn't been a bike lane, would your position on the street have been illegal? Did you know (and plan because of it) that there was a bike lane there before you rode into it? I thought riding a motor vehicle in a bike lane was illegal in CA (and most other places) except for crossing it to make a turn?

Does our resident lane splitter JB have an observation?

Just curious.
My question also. I'll be spending more time in CA this year than in the past and knowing the answer to this question would be useful.

Good to know you're going to mend fairly quickly. :clapping:

Keep Going!

Since there's no sheet time with this one, and I'm sorry for your pain, having been through a couple of low-speed (but not collision-induced) get-offs, I feel I can ask:
Isn't the right side off limits for lane-sharing? Just askin'. I'm sure some others might have some testimony on that.

I asked the cop the same question......

...... He said, that there was a bike lane and a right turn lane, and I had the same right as a bicycle and anyone driving a car with or without their turn signal on, has to

make sure the lane is clear before making a right turn.

As David Hough loves to point out in his books, right of way and fault don't mean much when it's you lying on the ground injured with a busted-up bike. In California turn signals are as rare as dodo birds. It's up to the rider to anticipate and plan for surprises. As a rule I don't go up the right side myself because it's risky, including from parked-car doors opening. I don't use bicycle lanes either, because I'm not a bicycle. The other reason I don't go up the right is because it's on the other side of my decorum line.

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Hey Ray......... lets you and I go to SJ Yamaha and show me who you know.... that way I get off on the right foot??!!

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Hell, I don't know anyone there other than the owner and the service manager.. Ohh and a couple sales men and a few parts counter guys. Maybe a mechanic or 2....

Hell, I don't know anyone there other than the owner and the service manager.. Ohh and a couple sales men and a few parts counter guys. Maybe a mechanic or 2....

So only everyone that works there :dribble: :dribble: :dribble: :dribble:


Hell, I don't know anyone there other than the owner and the service manager.. Ohh and a couple sales men and a few parts counter guys. Maybe a mechanic or 2....

So only everyone that works there :dribble: :dribble: :dribble: :dribble:


:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :dribble:

I was gonna say the same thing Richard.........

Since there's no sheet time with this one, and I'm sorry for your pain, having been through a couple of low-speed (but not collision-induced) get-offs, I feel I can ask:
Isn't the right side off limits for lane-sharing? Just askin'. I'm sure some others might have some testimony on that.

I asked the cop the same question......

...... He said, that there was a bike lane and a right turn lane, and I had the same right as a bicycle and anyone driving a car with or without their turn signal on, has to

make sure the lane is clear before making a right turn.

As David Hough loves to point out in his books, right of way and fault don't mean much when it's you lying on the ground injured with a busted-up bike. In California turn signals are as rare as dodo birds. It's up to the rider to anticipate and plan for surprises. As a rule I don't go up the right side myself because it's risky, including from parked-car doors opening. I don't use bicycle lanes either, because I'm not a bicycle. The other reason I don't go up the right is because it's on the other side of my decorum line.



You are a correct... when getting up off the ground, ....looking at your bike lying there, ...Whos got the right away, don't mean much! I won't commit in a open forum regarding, risk and such at least

not at this moment in time......




and I don't want to insult you with my incorrect punctuation .. ;) :D :D ....... I know how that tightens your sphincter in the morning.... B)


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Glad you're OK. At least you're not in the body shop all banged up. ;)

Cagers do stupid things for no reason. I guess those signs didn't help.


(Photo Courtesy of SactoMike)

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Since there's no sheet time with this one, and I'm sorry for your pain, having been through a couple of low-speed (but not collision-induced) get-offs, I feel I can ask:
Isn't the right side off limits for lane-sharing? Just askin'. I'm sure some others might have some testimony on that.

I asked the cop the same question......

...... He said, that there was a bike lane and a right turn lane, and I had the same right as a bicycle and anyone driving a car with or without their turn signal on, has to

make sure the lane is clear before making a right turn.

As David Hough loves to point out in his books, right of way and fault don't mean much when it's you lying on the ground injured with a busted-up bike. In California turn signals are as rare as dodo birds. It's up to the rider to anticipate and plan for surprises. As a rule I don't go up the right side myself because it's risky, including from parked-car doors opening. I don't use bicycle lanes either, because I'm not a bicycle.
And....there's always that cager turning right without a signal. :unsure:

I REALLY don't go up the right side for all of the above reasons.


Here is a quick update...

I talk to my insurance today and he said, to go ahead and put my bike

in the shop...........

Ray hooked me up with a good dealership and I will try to get the bike there between 10am and 2pm tomorrow.... ;)


and Barb...... be careful ...... you are gonna put an eye out with one of those... :p

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