Waving at other motorcyclists

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Well-known member
Sep 29, 2011
Reaction score
Carrollton, TX
I hope to open a can of worms here. Beware.

I've been riding for a lot of years - 40 or so. One of the things I learned that motorcyclists do is ... wave at other motorcyclists. I have been doing it for years. I see another person on a bike and I 1) raise my hand (left one) off the handlebar and 2) give a wave.

Not too complicated. Important point in that previous sentence. 'Raise my hand'. I take my hand off the grip and lift it higher. Sometimes just a few inches, sometimes about shoulder level. And then I wave. Give a peace sign. Open hand, all fingers. I've given a boy scout salute.

For years, usually I would do my wave to a passing rider, and I'd get a wave back. Similar sort of wave. However, for the past few years, something has been changing. The wave I am getting back is ... different. Often, the other rider will remove their hand from the handlebar and lower it. Sometimes just the hand. Sometimes, more often than not, a finger or two will point at the ground.

What is this supposed to mean?

I am in a bad mood, I guess. Here are the two answers to that I have for that question.

First, they are pointing at the ground because they see another rider and they are suggesting that that point on the ground they are pointing to is where they would like me to crash, skid, fall down, have an accident.

Second, the gesture is pointing towards an underground Hades-sort of dimension: i.e.: "go to hell".

Can someone give me a better, less aggressive reason why it is so hard for other riders to raise their hands and wave back?

It is just the 'cool' way to wave these days. I wave the same way you describe that you do, but I don't think the low wave is meant as anything negative.

If another rider wanted to intentionally insult you then they'd just be more direct and flip you the bird.

I have had people say that they don't raise their arm because it may be interpreted as a signal that you intend to turn. I don't think that's a problem, but if someone does then I understand trying to avoid a possible problem.

Aye Carumba! Stress less and Ride More!

Who put you in charge and made the you 'the wave' police? :p

You should just be happy you are getting a wave back - all too often these days I don't. But that doesn't really bother me. When on the FJR I am in my 'happy place' so I really couldn't give a flying fuck what that other uptight douchebag's problem is! :lol:

I don't read anything into it. Sometimes I wave high and sometimes low and whatever I get back (as long as it's not the bird, which I've never gotten) I see as positive. I DO notice that I almost always get a wave back from a sport bike rider but much less often from a Harley rider.

Aye Carumba! Stress less and Ride More!

Who put you in charge and made the you 'the wave' police? :p

You should just be happy you are getting a wave back - all too often these days I don't. But that doesn't really bother me. When on the FJR I am in my 'happy place' so I really couldn't give a flying fuck what that other uptight douchebag's problem is! :lol:
:lol2: :lol2: :lol2:

You crack me up.

I couldn't agree more.

It's the "low five" man... it's what all the cool people do... for years now... better late then neva ;)

It's the lead lining in the antiradiation gloves. To keep from getting cancer while riding. Loose all your fingers to cancer and you won't be able to ride any more.Or it could be that the other rider is lazy, just can't get that arm or hand up.As for Harley riders it's code of coolness not to wave at anyone on a rice burner don't you know. :glare: :dribble:

I absolutely, positively NEVER wave.

I don't wave to people driving cars, so why should I wave at people driving motorcycles? Because they're on bikes? Don't wave at cats, dogs, cows, convenience stores or drive-in movie screens, either.

Although I do give the occasional one-fingered wave to douche bags. Usually those that wave at me. :p

(p.s.: How is this post NOT in NEPRT?)

I absolutely, positively NEVER wave.

I don't wave to people driving cars, so why should I wave at people driving motorcycles? Because they're on bikes? Don't wave at cats, dogs, cows, convenience stores or drive-in movie screens, either.

Although I do give the occasional one-fingered wave to douche bags. Usually those that wave at me. :p

(p.s.: How is this post NOT in NEPRT?)
Not even cows? Didn't grow up on a dairy I suspect.

I absolutely, positively NEVER wave.

I don't wave to people driving cars, so why should I wave at people driving motorcycles? Because they're on bikes? Don't wave at cats, dogs, cows, convenience stores or drive-in movie screens, either.

Although I do give the occasional one-fingered wave to douche bags. Usually those that wave at me. :p

(p.s.: How is this post NOT in NEPRT?)
Makes me want to ride to boring ass Flat Tired Flori-duh just to flip Howie off!


Hugs N Kisses Howie!

Holy wow, Birkdale....

You MUST be in a bad mood :(

I wave - high, low AND at cows (especially the ones that are watching me ride by :p ).

In August, riding through Maine, NH and VT for NERDS, I vowed I'd not wave any more at the freaking HD riders who - almost to a person - did not return my wave.

But I have memory lapses and I find myself still doing it - until they don't wave back and then I just :fuck: .

Sportbike riders almost ALWAYS wave.

Sometimes I wave, sometimes I just grab my balls. If I feel the other biker is too aggressive, I don't want him to try to hit me in the nads, so I protect them. Self preservation is key!

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MEM.....forget or just a seniors moment :eek: :derisive:

You don't freaking post for about a year and now you're looking for an a$$ whuppin'?!

Bend over, Buddy Boy :D

How the heck are ya, anyhoo? :p

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MEM.....forget or just a seniors moment :eek: :derisive:

You don't freaking post for about a year and now you're looking for a a$$ whuppin'?!

Bend over, Buddy Boy :D

How the heck are ya, anyhoo? :p
Yeah... what she said. :rolleyes: :D

Oh and I wave at all kinds of shit... motorcycles, bicycles, neighborhood residents walking their dogs, cars that flash their high beams at me in warning or at the kids in the back seat with wide-eyed wonder, moto cops, even FJR riders :p ... you know, pretty much anyone who is out enjoying life in whatever way they can... I'm waving all over the fucking place... hardly have time to steer the beast I'm waving so much... don't give a shit if anyone waves back... I'm having a grand time so screw 'em if they ain't.

Whoa... wasn't quite expecting that much to come out... :lol:

I hope to open a can of worms here. Beware.

I've been riding for a lot of years - 40 or so. One of the things I learned that motorcyclists do is ... wave at other motorcyclists. I have been doing it for years. I see another person on a bike and I 1) raise my hand (left one) off the handlebar and 2) give a wave.

Not too complicated. Important point in that previous sentence. 'Raise my hand'. I take my hand off the grip and lift it higher. Sometimes just a few inches, sometimes about shoulder level. And then I wave. Give a peace sign. Open hand, all fingers. I've given a boy scout salute.

For years, usually I would do my wave to a passing rider, and I'd get a wave back. Similar sort of wave. However, for the past few years, something has been changing. The wave I am getting back is ... different. Often, the other rider will remove their hand from the handlebar and lower it. Sometimes just the hand. Sometimes, more often than not, a finger or two will point at the ground.

What is this supposed to mean?

I am in a bad mood, I guess. Here are the two answers to that I have for that question.

First, they are pointing at the ground because they see another rider and they are suggesting that that point on the ground they are pointing to is where they would like me to crash, skid, fall down, have an accident.

Second, the gesture is pointing towards an underground Hades-sort of dimension: i.e.: "go to hell".

Can someone give me a better, less aggressive reason why it is so hard for other riders to raise their hands and wave back?
And I'VE been accused of "over thinking" stuff? :blink: Sheesh!

BTW, this belongs under NEPRT.

On my new lazy back-roads way to get to work in the morning, every day at the same location in a neighborhood is some old retired guy standing by his parked car on the side of the road for god knows what reason. But he waves at me as I go by. For the first few times I waved back. Then I stopped waving, for a couple of reasons: (1) because I'm a curmudgeon and don't want to be your @#*% friend, and (2) because I don't want to be forced to have to wave at some guy every f**king day of my life just because he's one of those pixies who likes to make friends with every stranger he meets, like Fang does; and one pixie in my life is enough. In fact, next time I go by him I'm just gonna shout at him "F**k you!" :glare:

Now, what was it you wanted to know about waving at other motorcycles?

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