Wayne (ExtremeMarine) and Annette Update

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Glad you finally made it home buddy! Heal quickly and try to relax up there! We are all here if you need anything man!

I've received several emails, messages and phone calls as to the cause of Wayne and Annette's accident. Here's what I know and all I know. Wayne believes that his front tire went down. They were not riding hard or fast according to Annette and all the sudden the front end washed out and they were down and sliding down the embankment.
Annette also mentioned that Charles who was following them said that's the only logical explanation given the speed and the fact there was nothing on the road. Let's please not turn this thread into speculation on what caused the accident. When Wayne is back on the forum he will explain what happened as best he can.
I've mulled over this many times over the past month. Tire pressure was 38psi f/r according to the shop & police report. Dunlap's not at fault. All I can say at this point is that it was a combination of factors; I was too relaxed; we were headed to Burkes' Garden, VA. We had decided to stay on in Lewisburg instead of heading down the BRP on Monday to relax and enjoy the area. We were running at posted speeds on VA 61 east Bluefield. Not a technical road at all. I had rolled out of the throttle and moved right to check my mirror for Charlie (Charlie and I have riding some miles together; we spread out to enjoy to road ahead and run an "accordion" type ride where we'll slow up to catch sight of each other every so often). There was a man on the left side of the road (checking his mail?), and the gentle left hander snuck up on me. I remember initiating the lean in and the bike starting to jump around under us. I remember saying "ride it" thinking I could run it out in the field, but the 8' drop fubur'd that. The bike came out from under us on it's left side. I remember Annette coming around and being on top of me when I impacted the rocks, throwing me up and fubaring my back. Technically, and thankfully, I think I broke or shielded Annette from those rocks. We came to rest on the side of the incline, Annette within arm's distance of me, but unresponsive for about the 1st minute or so.

It pains me to say, it was me. No truck or cager, all me. I was too relaxed. That is the only thing that I can keep coming back to; I was just far too relaxed. If there was a time that we were going to get hurt, it should not have been Monday. The pace we ran Friday and Saturday provided to conditions for a crash. The run up 219 with Zoom and herfjr Saturday morning was a hard push; we were running hard; I ran through more gravel that morning that should have put us down (props to roadsmarts). Not Monday, Monday was just "us" time.

sorry to hear about this. I know it has been offered but if anything needs to be taken back to Mi. i have a 24' enclosed car hauler and am disabled so I have a lot of time. being ex navy i'm used to hauling Marines and their crap around. and Wayne, being naked in a room full of women is only bad if they are laughing. so were they? :unsure:
Thanks a bunch! Navy always provides us jarheads such good door to door service!!!!

And the naked in the room fully of women went something like, "Attention on deck" if I recall correctly through my drug induced state... You have not lived until you've had 3 nurses pealing a condom catheter off "yourself"...

sorry to hear about this. I know it has been offered but if anything needs to be taken back to Mi. i have a 24' enclosed car hauler and am disabled so I have a lot of time. being ex navy i'm used to hauling Marines and their crap around. and Wayne, being naked in a room full of women is only bad if they are laughing. so were they? :unsure:
Thanks a bunch! Navy always provides us jarheads such good door to door service!!!!

And the naked in the room fully of women went something like, "Attention on deck" if I recall correctly through my drug induced state... You have not lived until you've had 3 nurses pealing a condom catheter off "yourself"...
You must have had the 'Stadium Buddy' (external) condom. My nurse Nancy was 350+ pounds and ripped the *internal* catheter out without *first* deflating the balloon..... :angry:

I am very glad to hear you doing better!

Kind of an inside joke with Wayne and me, But during EOM, He and I crossed paths several times, And when he said anything to me, He said "Are you doin' good?" And i laughed and said yes.

Please pass on my humor to him asking "you Doin' Good?" :)

Heal fast guys... Your both in my prayers for a expedient recovery.


Doin' good, dude! Thanks!


Wayne and Annette I have never met you but I must say you guys have shown us all what it is to be tough. Both of your injuries are ones that as you well know are extremely painful. Hang in there and when it comes to the physical therapy stay tough as it will make a tremendous difference as to the degree of recovery you make from those awful injuries. We will all keep you guys in our prayers and hope to see you on the road again.

I understand your reluctance to get your bride back on a bike again after an event like the one you two have had. It certainly speaks well to the support of Annette and her trust in you that she would even consider getting on a bike again. Most women would say once is enough. Whatever decision you two make as to whether future trips are on two wheels or four I am sure you will have everyones support. Both of you continue your great attitudes and get yourselves well real soon.


I am glad that you are home safe and sound, and on the road to recovery. I look forward to riding to EOM 09 where ever it may be with ya! Hopefully will catch you before than though!


funny how you forget to mention that I was 2-up and right on your tail lights, down on power due to a puked PCIII; but all excuses, non the less, it was an exercise in front wheel contact patch management. Talk to zoom & herfjr about the terminal velocity of the mr happy express headed up 219 saturday morning....

calling haulin' ashe; might be time for a couple of old fella's to take someone to school...

Bet me. He'll still be looking at my taillights. :)
Bring it, Wayne!

Heal up fast, bro.

Crap! Wayne on a Duck? You'll never catch him then!!! HAHAHAHAHAH!!!
Hang in there mang!
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There have been more than a few squids embarrassed by some lunatic on a HD Nightrain in and around Deals Gap between '03 -'06 (my pre-FJR years). oh, that was 2-up as well...

Harley Davidson, baaabbiiiee!
Can you imagine the humiliation you'll have when he passes you on the mighty HD, disappears into the next 4 corners while you're on your highly farkled FJR?


Get well mi amigo..
just tryin' to life up to the name, "extrememarine."!!!

Send us an hi-res version and I'll have my graphic artist get started...

Thanks dude!

Tell Wayne we took a vote and he gets to be the poster boy for the design of EOM 09.
We already have decided on the photo to use


Be spectacular in everything you do :D

:p :lol:

Heal up both of ya'll!

He's BAAAAAAAACK! Welcome back, bro. :yahoo:

Go get DragginAshe and lets go. Until then, you can be extremelyslowmarine. :rofl:

HA !

funny how you forget to mention that I was 2-up and right on your tail lights, down on power due to a puked PCIII; but all excuses, non the less, it was an exercise in front wheel contact patch management. Talk to zoom & herfjr about the terminal velocity of the mr happy express headed up 219 saturday morning....
calling haulin' ashe; might be time for a couple of old fella's to take someone to school...

Bet me. He'll still be looking at my taillights. :)
Bring it, Wayne!

Heal up fast, bro.

Crap! Wayne on a Duck? You'll never catch him then!!! HAHAHAHAHAH!!!
Hang in there mang!

It is so good to know that you are home w/ your family and doing so well. You and Annette have been in our daily prayers. Nice to see that prayers are answered.

Keep the faith. S/F


thank you, wife just appoved purchase of (1) penske triple adj and whatever else I need for "school". Fresh set of roadsmarts should do and a clear run up 28 from Warwoman to the Gap!

He's BAAAAAAAACK! Welcome back, bro. :yahoo:
Go get DragginAshe and lets go. Until then, you can be extremelyslowmarine. :rofl:

HA !

funny how you forget to mention that I was 2-up and right on your tail lights, down on power due to a puked PCIII; but all excuses, non the less, it was an exercise in front wheel contact patch management. Talk to zoom & herfjr about the terminal velocity of the mr happy express headed up 219 saturday morning....
calling haulin' ashe; might be time for a couple of old fella's to take someone to school...

Bet me. He'll still be looking at my taillights. :)
Bring it, Wayne!

Heal up fast, bro.

Crap! Wayne on a Duck? You'll never catch him then!!! HAHAHAHAHAH!!!
Hang in there mang!

We haven't met...but I sure am glad that you and Annette are recovering and that you both have made it home to your kids. You both take care as you continue to heal and recover. I had a little getoff a week ago Saturday, but my ribs and shoulder injuries are so minor compared to yours, I don't think it even counts as a crash...we'll just call it a "tip over". :)

Welcome home you two. It was sure good to meet youse two guyes.....we'll need to catch up under different circumstances. Your attitude and spirit were a great encouragement-you two are a class act.

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DAMN glad you're home safe and sound with your family, Wayne. Susie and I have been pulling for you and Annette.

Take care and heal up!

