What's the Weather like where YOU are today?

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Got a flight home after the SC Snowcastrophe......but the return back was painful.

I got to sit between a petite asian lady who couldn't keep from wretching, and a 20/30something that must have had a few cases of beer recently as he was nasty beerfarting ALL THE DAMN WAY HOME.

He didn't even offer an apologetic look. I was hardly even over the Smokies and he had already started in...
I hate flying because of the way they pack people in so tight these days. Glad you gt home safely.

Got a flight home after the SC Snowcastrophe......but the return back was painful.

I got to sit between a petite asian lady who couldn't keep from wretching, and a 20/30something that must have had a few cases of beer recently as he was nasty beerfarting ALL THE DAMN WAY HOME.

He didn't even offer an apologetic look. I was hardly even over the Smokies and he had already started in...
I never knew you were the sensitive type, Marky. I bet you don't give your wife the dutch oven in bed either, right?

Best recourse on the plane would have been to hold yer nose and then let a few SPDs fly at your neighbor.

I hate flying because of the way they pack people in so tight these days. Glad you gt home safely.
I don't think the seats are any tighter these days, Greg. I think maybe it's more that the occupants are continually getting bigger. Just imagine sharing a row in coach on a cross country flight with BeemerDonS in the middle seat. JSNS.

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Feb. 2nd 2014 and this proclamation;

North Carolina resident, William "Skeeter" Raulerson, had enough. He promptly let his dog off his chain, and said "go get 'em boy!", and now this proclamation;

I hate flying because of the way they pack people in so tight these days. Glad you gt home safely.
I don't think the seats are any tighter these days, Greg. I think maybe it's more that the occupants are continually getting bigger. Just imagine sharing a row in coach on a cross country flight with BeemerDonS in the middle seat. JSNS.
I know that I am bigger than I used to be, but I believe the airlines have squeezed in more rows of seats over the years, at least in the cheap seat sections where I sit. I rarely fly any more and prefer to drive or ride whenever possible.

I don't think the seats are any tighter these days, Greg. I think maybe it's more that the occupants are continually getting bigger. Just imagine sharing a row in coach on a cross country flight with BeemerDonS in the middle seat. JSNS.
for cost savings (revenue enhancement) they have tightened the distance between seats, made the seats more upright (with less tilt), and put more seats per row. it's well known in the industry and apparently not a big deal to most pundits.

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81 degrees - Perfect FJR weather. We missed winter here. Went from Summer to Fall to Spring and it is now Summer again. Cool

We had a heat wave today...got up to 40F and the ice and snow melted enough for me to get out of my subdivision to do for a little ride!


We're steadily heading to above-freezing today but there is a winter weather advisory for counties to the north. We'll prolly get an inch or two tonight / tomorrow while the counties to the north could get up to 6 inches. And we're gonna get that wintry mix bullshit.

But we're looking to be in the mid-50's come Thursday so, depending on road conditions (besides lingering snow we have some MAJOR potholes around here) maybe I'll get out for a bit later this week.

You guys that live east of Minnesota and north of the mason/dixon line had better start building an Ark soon. When all that white shit starts melting, you'll be going down stream quickly.

Today is brilliant sunshine and blue skies, but cold. Bikergeek's weather is headed here for tonight and we're looking at 4 inches with a winter mix to spice things up. There is a lot of snow on the ground and my dog has taken to pooping on the driveway and sidewalk since the yard is so deep. No problem, I just shovel it off with the snow, but just sayin' this is ridiculous.

I'm driving down to Florida and the Keys at the end of the week with the wife. Wish it was on the bike, but it will be nice to watch the season rapidly change as we travel south.

Today is brilliant sunshine and blue skies, but cold. Bikergeek's weather is headed here for tonight and we're looking at 4 inches with a winter mix to spice things up. There is a lot of snow on the ground and my dog has taken to pooping on the driveway and sidewalk since the yard is so deep. No problem, I just shovel it off with the snow, but just sayin' this is ridiculous.
I'm driving down to Florida and the Keys at the end of the week with the wife. Wish it was on the bike, but it will be nice to watch the season rapidly change as we travel south.

Don't shovel the brown stuff. When it's below zero, all you need to do is go out there after dark with a 9-iron, and practice your approach shots. The projectiles should land several houses away, and nobody will know where it came from, and there won't even be any dog tracks leading up to it.

(Warning: Do NOT try this in the summer. It will make a mess of your shoes and clothing)

Well, staging the snowmobile by the front porch didn't do any good. The new snow covered it and even after I dug it out I had to snow blow a path to get it down to the driveway where it could go on it's own without sinking in.

On the bright side, the sun is out today, the temperatures are in the high 20's F and after one more small blast of snow coming tonight it is going to warm up and start to go away.
I enjoy the snow, but I've had enough.

Well, staging the snowmobile by the front porch didn't do any good. The new snow covered it and even after I dug it out I had to snow blow a path to get it down to the driveway where it could go on it's own without sinking in.

On the bright side, I'm retired and can spend all day farting around in the snow, the sun is out today, the temperatures are in the high 20's F and after one more small blast of snow coming tonight it is going to warm up and start to go away.
I enjoy the snow, but I've had enough.

Fixed it for you, Greg. ;)

Well, staging the snowmobile by the front porch didn't do any good. The new snow covered it and even after I dug it out I had to snow blow a path to get it down to the driveway where it could go on it's own without sinking in.

On the bright side, I'm retired and can spend all day farting around in the snow, the sun is out today, the temperatures are in the high 20's F and after one more small blast of snow coming tonight it is going to warm up and start to go away.
I enjoy the snow, but I've had enough.

Fixed it for you, Greg.
Thank you Fred. Having the time to play does make a difference.

Spring isn't too far away now fellas. My late winter plants are sprouting big time, should have blooms in a week or so. Tues is 63*, Wed 64*, Thurs 68*. WooHoo!!!

Woke up to 12-15" of new white shit on the ground. Woohooo!!!

This is getting a little out of control...

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Coupla inches of white stuff here, warming up and will rain in the next couple of days, but will freeze again next week..... the week after may be better....... if that groundhog pokes his head out again, he might just have a lead induced heart attack!

Last week at this time we had snow/ice/sleet/freezing rain for 3 days. Next 3 days forecast to be in the 70s.

last week




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