Would You Pay $13,500 For An 06A?

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Well-known member
Apr 23, 2006
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I've only found 1 unsold 06A. That dealer wanted full retail. It's not a money issue - I just inherently have a problem with paying full retail for anything. Grrr.

Maybe I'm asking the impossible, but anyone know where there is another unsold 06? Within 8 hours drive of Columbus OH would be nice.



I've only found 1 unsold 06A. That dealer wanted full retail. It's not a money issue - I just inherently have a problem with paying full retail for anything. Grrr.
Maybe I'm asking the impossible, but anyone know where there is another unsold 06? Within 8 hours drive of Columbus OH would be nice.


I don't like to pay full MSRP either, but sometimes you just have to take your principles out of the equation, and decide whether it's worth 13,500 or not. What if it listed for 15,000 and they discounted it to 13,500? Would you be happy then?

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Exactly one year ago, I finally got to see a FJR for real. It was love at first sight. Started looking around for a bike, found one in Seattle and another in Spokane. Both were standing firm at list price, 13,500 approx. I wanted it and don't regret it for a minute. I have gotten more than the thou I could of saved in pure entertainment. Just go for it, no regrets. :yahoo:

I was ready to cough up full retail untill i found the bike for less. Pay the big bucks if you dont have any alternatives and you dont want to wait.

Start calling dealers within a one hundred mile radius. See what you can come up with. Middletown honda yamaha may be able to help you out. They make great deals on bikes and may have ordered one in there name. Check with beechmont motor sports in cincinnati also. they just recieved 5. I grabbed one of them but someone may back out of the other 4.

Good luck. The bike is only worth what someone will pay. if thats 13,500, thats what its worth.


Full MSRP is what I've heard from a lot of people who bought off the floor. My first FJR was a floor model, and MSRP is what I paid. I had no regrets. The dealers will tell you, and I think most are right, that they will have no problem finding a buyer who will pay MSRP. If the bikes are still around in October, the prices will soften. Waiting until then, though, will cause you to miss out on a lot of riding.

I haggled for a few weeks with multiple dealers in town for my second FJR that I was going to buy under PDP. 3 of 4 would not budge off MSRP, even for a PDP bike. The fourth dealer came down 800 off MSRP and waived all the usual fees. 800 bucks is a nice savings, but I would have paid MSRP for the bike, happily, if it came down to local purchase or flying down to D&H.

Charlotte NC Honda, wanted full new retail plus $500 for a used 2005 ABS. Suck it up and don't look back. You will NOT regret the purchase.

Well, there you have it, new guy. The consensus of opinion is, buy it. Many others have paid MSRP+. That and riding season is here and now.

I agree with you on the principle of the thing, though. It's like the $7 beers at the NFL game. Joe Blue Collar here can afford those all day long, but...

So instead of that I drink as many dollar and a half Coronas from the supermarket as I can manage during the parking lot pre-game action.

Never seems to be a shortage of people willing to pay stadium MSRP for beer inside, though.

Alright already people. You have bludgeoned me into it. :D

I'll see if I can scrounge one up. The one I found was 500 miles away.

Flyinglow, did you see this? The Beer Belly I saw it featured on CNN. Perfect for just such occasions. I'm waiting for them to come out with the ladies model - The Wine Rack.


It is worth every penny and more. Mine arived today and after riding it for the first time I would pay full retail for it if need be!!!!!!!!!!! BUY IT BEFORE SOMEONE ELSE DOES!

Alright already people. You have bludgeoned me into it. :D
I'll see if I can scrounge one up. The one I found was 500 miles away.

Flyinglow, did you see this? The Beer Belly I saw it featured on CNN. Perfect for just such occasions. I'm waiting for them to come out with the ladies model - The Wine Rack.


The Detachable Beer Belly?! Dude, that's a riot! Plus it would probably work. Again, it's the principle of the thing :lol: .

Although I'd been considering an FRJ for two years, I still almost put money down for a HD Road King. At close to $20k out the door vs the $14,100 (out the door with YES) for the '06 FJR, the decision still wasn't about money. I just found myself asking why I would pay even the same price for an inferior bike. I admit it did feel good knowing that the best all around bike there is, is still very reasonably priced.

If the dealer is firm on MSRP, try negotiating a discount on any accessories you want, or ask them to throw in a 4 year YES plan at no additional charge. My dealer didn't want to mess with the bike price, but gave me the YES in the bargain and a nice discount on accessories. Worth it to me for no wait.

You live in Ohio and the only way you'll be able to get one cheaper involves missing the riding season. I live in NM and didn't mind the wait last year because I ride year round and had other bikes to use for the summer. I'd go for it but it doesn't hurt to walk in with 12,900 cash and see what happens. :cold:

Nope, paid $13,499. After shopping three local Yamaha shops it became evident that discounts where not going to happen locally. First dealer knew nothing about the bike and had no interest in finding info about PDP. Second dealer was the old I'll check into it and call you back, never did. Third dealer stuck to MSRP $13,499, but no setup, no shipping charges, and $400 Y.E.S.

Last option was to travel to pickup the bike out of state and save $1000, of course the cost of travel to and from would use up most of the savings.

I'm happy I think its a good buy, not a great buy just good.

IMhO, given the 76 other bikes I've owned my new '06 is definately one of the very best. The bike is simply a great all around package of power, handling, brakes, and reasonable comfort. It is a big improvement over thhe '03 I had and at this point NO heat issues unlike my turkey baster '03. Get the bike and enjoy it! The biggest improvement to me is the better handling relative to my '03...a very pleasant surprise. DFO :p

IMhO, given the 76 other bikes I've owned my new '06 is definately one of the very best. The bike is simply a great all around package of power, handling, brakes, and reasonable comfort. It is a big improvement over thhe '03 I had and at this point NO heat issues unlike my turkey baster '03. Get the bike and enjoy it! The biggest improvement to me is the better handling relative to my '03...a very pleasant surprise. DFO :p
This is the first I heard that the heat issue no longer exists! Thank you Yamaha!

Woopee, roll on June when I can get rid of my 05 and ride my 06 just when it is starting to get hot in Texas!

I wish I could have paid MSRP for mine!! I guess if you want something bad enough you'll take a Colossal ass hammering for it.

This is a timely thread based on what I just learned.

My local dealer recently set me straight on retail pricing (MSRP) for a unit that isn't going to the original PDP buyer, of which I'm one. It is not that they are taking advantage of a situation and gouging anyone. Dealers have to look at the sale of a motorcycle from the standpoint of whether they are going to derive any more income after the sale, as in service, accessories, parts, etc.

Let's say that someone comes in locally and orders an FJR through the PDP program, and completes the purchase (as I did in 2005). The dealer then counts on me to (hopefully) come back in for service, parts, accessories, clothing, all items with good margin. That's what pays the bills.

Now, let's say that I back out of my PDP deal, and find someone from 500 miles away, that wants the same deal that everyone is getting at D&H. The dealer has basically handed the keys over to a bike that they make a couple of hundred bucks on (or who knows how much), and the dealer will probably never see that customer again. The dealer still has flooring, facilities, insurance, and staff to pay for. A dealership isn't going to stay in business for very long if they can't make profit. D&H makes their profit on volume, not on support after the sale (except to locals). It's just the way that each dealership is run.

So it goes way beyond greed on the dealer part. Asking for MSRP on a bike like this is reasonable considering that the retail price is pretty reasonable to begin with. People are just getting used to seeing D&H pricing and figure they're getting gouged if they pay more.

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