So long

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I have been the hugely grievously offending receiver of such communication from time to time.
With only 151 posts? Dude....
LOL I think you just proved the guy's point...(duh)

Geeze... it's not even winter yet. What are we gonna do then?
Same as always; bitch about the cold, snow, salt, and suffer the Arizona and Florida member's insufferable gloating of how nice it is to ride in winter. Oh yeah, drink and watch hockey.
Hey you left out us winter riders in Southern Cal.

The time of year when it cools off enough for you guys to ride midday.

No, you mean midmorning - still too hot in the afternoon!

Seriously, people need to take this down a couple notches. Admin included, sorry Matt. This idea that we scold each other and require some kind of ass kissing to remain friends is too much. Do that shit to your kids, wives, girlfriends, and subordinates, if that's the person you want to be. However, this is SUPPOSED to be fun. If I want to be miserable, I can do that at work, where the rules mean something. Here, well, maybe not so much. People would do good to remember that when freaking out over little stuff.

Since I have first hand information on how this got started, I'll say the whole thing is bullshit that spun out of control. Big egos and delicate feelings are never good together. We have a LOT of that going on around here, and we should be smart enough to know how to make it stop.

FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK...We can have awesome discussions and still be cool to each other. Sometimes, you just got to let it go.

Right now, this describes this place to a "T":


If that strikes a chord with you then you are part of the problem. What are we going to do to fix it??

I have made lifelong friends through the FJR forums. I have a personal connections with them that will continue outside the forum. It is just time to move on. If you want to know why then contact me outside the forums.
I am done here.
Sorry 'bout your leaving Bob.

From what I've read I hope we get to meet one day.

My hat is off to those who volunteer their time to run an an asylum like this, it can no doubt be a thankless job. But then again sometimes it's not what one says but rather how they say it. Some of us have figured out by now the underlying issue that caused this thread in the first place, and that it was not the content of the forum rules, but rather the perceived way in which they are being administered. It's not always healthy imho to just sweep a problem under the rug and hope it will go away, sometimes it best to get things aired out, with out slander or liable of course, so it can be dealt with and everyone gets on the same page. And at the end of the day we can buy each other a virtual beer and go about the business that we like so much in places like this: to have a meeting place where we can hang out, talk shop, and bash each other in good hearted fun. Our admins have been nothing but silent in all of this. When conflict is involved, there is usually two sides to a story, and silence can sometimes infer guilt. Admins, is there anything you can add to help clear the clouds of confusion any? Can we get a witness?

My hat is off to those who volunteer their time to run an an asylum like this, it can no doubt be a thankless job. But then again sometimes it's not what one says but rather how they say it. Some of us have figured out by now the underlying issue that caused this thread in the first place, and that it was not the content of the forum rules, but rather the perceived way in which they are being administered. It's not always healthy imho to just sweep a problem under the rug and hope it will go away, sometimes it best to get things aired out, with out slander or liable of course, so it can be dealt with and everyone gets on the same page. And at the end of the day we can buy each other a virtual beer and go about the business that we like so much in places like this: to have a meeting place where we can hang out, talk shop, and bash each other in good hearted fun. Our admins have been nothing but silent in all of this. When conflict is involved, there is usually two sides to a story, and silence can sometimes infer guilt. Admins, is there anything you can add to help clear the clouds of confusion any? Can we get a witness?
You make a good point about the need for a good airing out. We used to have one semi-occasionally, usually when something like this thread comes up. They did have the desired result of bringing a degree of harmony back to the forum.

I suspect that the moderators have been following this thread and probably have been discussing it among themselves. We won't know if there is any positive result until we hear from them.

A little flashback to Spring of 2014 (That one was 16 pages!!)

This isn't anything new and (IMHO) there isn't a "problem". Just the usual number of individuals who decide they don't like the neighborhood and decide to move on. Some come back, some don't. I don't find moderation to be particularly heavy-handed or unbearable. Not my sandbox and I'm happy to play by their rules. If I decide I can't stand it anymore I will (quietly) head elsewhere.

Thanks for posting that link, RK. Could help the folks who are wondering get a sense of what the issue(s) may be. OTOH, the current "issue(s)" may be completely different than those that started the 2014 thread. I do note that the OP on that old thread eventually came back strong and is still posting. I was another one who got my feelings hurt over something about that time and kind of swore off the forum. I say "kind of" because I continued to lurk, just not post, and that was almost a year. There were others here, still posting (or "again" posting, really) in the same boat back then.

Anyway, I eventually saw something I really wanted to reply to, so I did. I just decided if I wanted to participate here I would, and wouldn't let somebody else's comments or actions stop me from that. And it's not like it hurt anybody for me not to be posting--except me, of course.

So I do hope Bob comes back sooner or later. You're pretty central to this place, dude, and we're better off with you. If you do return, I'm very sure nobody will say "hey, you left and hurt our feelings. You have to stay away."

And for what it's worth, I'm one of those who much prefer the forum when it's open, free-wheeling, irreverent and fun, besides being informative and helpful.

A little flashback to Spring of 2014 (That one was 16 pages!!)This isn't anything new and (IMHO) there isn't a "problem". Just the usual number of individuals who decide they don't like the neighborhood and decide to move on. Some come back, some don't. I don't find moderation to be particularly heavy-handed or unbearable. Not my sandbox and I'm happy to play by their rules. If I decide I can't stand it anymore I will (quietly) head elsewhere.
RossKean, that's a good example but, I'm sure you were here for that whole Rule 10 food fight, weren't you? That was even better. JSNS :grin:
I think I've figured out why the Forum can get so heated at times like this.

Because there's so little at stake.

I've gotten whipped up a few times on the forum over the years, and I think I've had a few "wags of the finger" from the moderators. Not intending to diminish the strong feelings here, but when I've gotten myself into a lather over something that's happened online here, I always try to remember a few things that put it into perspective:

1. I don't own this forum and certainly I don't remember the last time I sent a check off to owners to pay the rent. [Moderator - uhh...that would be "never", Hudson). If I did own this forum and had to pay its costs, I'd run it the way I damn well pleased. For starters, I'd require that every signature include the phrase "Hudson is the handsomest Forum member ever."

2. I've made some great friends because of the forum, and those friendships will last far longer than any time I spend online here.

3. For every 1x this forum has made me angry, there are 100x times it's made me smile, laugh, marvel (at both talent and stupidity), shake my head (usually on Friday), or thankfully rarely, cry (RIP JSNS).

4. Because Internet.

I belong to at least 10 other forums, for bikes, cars, trucks, hobbies, and such. They all provide me with lots of information, friends, and entertainment, Not one of them is worth getting angry enough to leave or wasting any more time than needed to be informed or entertained.

Intech and any others before and after, the light's always on and the beer's always cold (except in the UK). Hope you come back - otherwise I may have to start posting more frequently and we all know how painful that can be...

Oooh....gotta go. There's a flame war starting up on the MV Agusta forum...seemed that someone bumped their own FS ad (big no-no) and the mods are chewing him a new one...gotta get the popcorn ready.

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Gunny that!

This, like any other forum, is made up of a fairly diverse group of people, and any time you have that mix you'll have differences in opinions and styles. It is a pretty rare person that can get along well with every person on the planet.

When we were kids we felt a need to have everyone like us, and so we only wanted to hang around other kids who were like us and thought the way we did. As we (hopefully) matured most came to realize that complete homogeneity in a group is a pretty boring situation. We learned to toughen up our psyche a little and can't let a few individuals cause us angst if, or rather when we disagree with them. Not liking one of the referees doesn't mean you have to take your ball and go home.

Like anyone else that has been on this forum for long, I've given myself a few self-imposed time-outs, and even "given up on the forum entirely" a couple of times. But it was always over the actions of some of the other "players", not so much over the refs. I played football and hockey as a kid, so I learned then how to deal with authorities that I may disagree with. Like some others have said, each time I've left I've come back because I realize that the cumulative value of the forum (to me) is greater than whatever a few individuals might do or say.

Like most anything in life, you have be able to overlook some minor aggravations to allow yourself to enjoy playing the game. YMMV.

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I've never had anyone on any forum cause me to "get angery" or "upset", and that includes the crazy guy that actually threatened me. (I did have him banned of the forum, threatening someone online is against the law FYI )

As Fred said no one can always get along with everyone. Reason number 5...People. Look at the division we have now just because of the upcoming election. So much venom out there. I think once you realize that there are different views than yours out there and that YOU CAN'T change that, you should just learn to accept it all and get on with your life.

If you think someone's an idiot ...well, then they are an idiot, but keep in mind they might now think the same thing about you. Who cares really? Life is short, why infuse more hatred into the world. Giving the guy that cut you off the finger doesn't change anything, and perhaps might end up escalating something minor into something worse.

We all are here and no one gets out alive, don't make being here less pleasant for yourself....or for others.

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