CFR 2018 - WooHoo! Registration is going LIVE November 1st!

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From Minn. Jeff: Rich & Jeff are also OUT.

Jeff has a room reservation he will be canceling this week. He will wait until Wednesday in case anyone knows someone who would like to take over the room we are vacating.

PM me if you want the rooms.


I'm (even more than usual) confused Pops - we don't have anyone on the Players List named Jeff and/or Rich from Minnesota? Had they registered for the Ramble? Also didn't see any request to cancel/refund so that probably answers that?

In other news a very disappointed Pegscraper has been in touch with me and has very reluctantly had to cancel for medical reasons. His room at the Lodge has just been cancelled and should be in inventory if others are looking to room there.

Minnesota Jeff is a small quiet local Harley Rider that likes riding with us. Okay, I lied about the small quiet part. Both Minnesota Jeff and Rich [Curly Joe] have been to LaPine and Yosemite runs. They reserved a room but didn't register for this very reason. Both had life issues get in the way.

I'm on the can't go list now also. The company I work for is moving into the new building this month so …. F#@ked.

That working shit is a pretty weak excuse and it's bad for you.

Tell the little quiet guy I'm gonna miss him.

Niehart: I'm on the can't go list now also. The company I work for is moving into the new building this month so …. F#@ked.
Need the dislike button back...this is no damn good Pops!


Niehart: I'm on the can't go list now also. The company I work for is moving into the new building this month so …. F#@ked.
Need the dislike button back...this is no damn good Pops!

No kidding.

Dearhart: I did the Google Maps thing.....It's a long day but your trusty steed could crush it. Can't you scoot up on Thursday and go home on Sunday ? it's 2 days for cryin' out loud (don't make me wax philosophical with my "life's short and you're a long time dead" shit... )

Please try harder again, D. I'd really (really) like to see you

Minnesota Jeff is a small quiet local Harley Rider that likes riding with us. Okay, I lied about the small quiet part. Both Minnesota Jeff and Rich [Curly Joe] have been to LaPine and Yosemite runs. They reserved a room but didn't register for this very reason. Both had life issues get in the way.
I'm on the can't go list now also. The company I work for is moving into the new building this month so …. F#@ked.
I had to fire myself so I could go, you can do it.

Adam is right, you got lost, then sick, the dog ate your homework and you ran out of gas.

Whatever it takes man-be there!

Niehart: I'm on the can't go list now also. The company I work for is moving into the new building this month so …. F#@ked.
Need the dislike button back...this is no damn good Pops!

No kidding.

Dearhart: I did the Google Maps thing.....It's a long day but your trusty steed could crush it. Can't you scoot up on Thursday and go home on Sunday ? it's 2 days for cryin' out loud (don't make me wax philosophical with my "life's short and you're a long time dead" shit... )

Please try harder again, D. I'd really (really) like to see you
I hope you guys realize that when we were out at George's Saturday we shamed him more than once.

Well my back is on the mend and I'm getting optimistic. Sunday, I took a 100 mile test ride on the bike, and felt good the entire ride. It did stiffen up when I got home, but I took some Ibuprofen and it felt better by yesterday morning. With 9 days before go time, I should be healed much better.

Now starting to focus on logistics:

1. Call the bank and order some Canadian cash

2. Call the credit card companies and let the know where I'll be and when

3. Call Josh and make sure he is prepared to tote 1 shampoo bottle for us over the border.

Ya know ---- shit like that...

Dave you can find another job but nobody will be able to enjoy the 2018 CRF again. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity. CRF without the Pieman is like the Reuben Run without the Reuben. Go set your employer straight and if you got a job where you can't get a couple of days off it is not a job worth having.

See you at CFR.

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'Pants: Now starting to focus on logistics:
1. Call the bank and order some Canadian cash

2. Call the credit card companies and let the know where I'll be and when

3. Call Josh and make sure he is prepared to tote 1 shampoo bottle for us over the border.

Ya know ---- shit like that...
'pants, for item 1; forget the bank in LA and just stop at the first Canadian (Bank) ATM when you cross the border. Easy peasy and you'll likely get a better exchange rate. Let your home bank know you're traveling north and you're golden.

For item 2 - most definitely, item're on your own buddy!

BTDT many times...just my (helpful?) $.02.

See you again soon my friend!


Thank you, Doug. FINALLY - We are starting to get some excitement in this thread. Geeeesh, guys. I thought some of you were hitting the glaucoma medicine a tad too much.

We're riding to CANADA, man!!! 3 weeks of no work, no chores, I ain't gotta fix a dam thing. No listening to the bull shit from ass hats at work that wouldn't know the difference between their bung gap and a hole in the ground. NONE of that!!!

Just riding and living the dream, man.

(pumping fist in the air, clapping violently, and staring electronically in an encouraging expression)

Come on, ya'll!!! Let's get this party started!!!!!

I called the bank. They want $20.00 to exchange anything less than $300 US to Canadian. Anything over $300, and it's $10.00. Wonder how that compares to the ATM fees? As I type this, I don't think I have EVER used an ATM no affiliated with my bank. Guess I've lived a sheltered life. I figure in 5-6 days, I can wipe my arse with $300. But on the other hand, I'd rather not carry that around for 8 or 9 days and lose it.

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Just discovered this event and I'm considering attending with my wife. But never been to one of these. Not sure what to expect.

Any room left? Is there a list of rides? Are the rides organized? Is there a schedule?

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Stephan: You should definitely come if you've never been to a FJR rally. Expect: to travel to a beautiful place, to meet a bunch of really nice folks, to see some amazingly well-farkled bikes, to get route sheets suggesting where you and like-minded others may wish to day-ride; to have a social get-together on the Friday night, to attend a banquet on Saturday night (and get a chance to help out a deserving local charity - if you wish), and if you're really lucky (like me) to make some lifelong new friends!

CFR is attended by lots of couples as well as singles - your wife will have lots of new friends to make too.

There is still time to register but not much. There are rooms available at the back-up motel, and if you are lucky maybe even a room at the Lodge due to recent cancellations - you will get the code when you register.

There are no organized rides and we discourage people from riding in large groups as they tend to cut into the fun, make it difficult at meal breaks/refuelling (small towns), and too often in large groups you find people succumbing to peer pressure/riding outside their personal comfort zone - which is no bueno! In the parking lot on Thursday evening - introduce yourself to some folks, tell us how you like/want to ride and/or what you would like to see while you are in the area. You will find others with the same plan, and there you go - instant ride group for the next day! Some other people do all their riding to and from the rally and don't want to day ride. On the rally days, they chill in the area, go to hot springs, check out museums, go hiking etc. The rally is yours to make of as you wish.

We are still finalizing details, but the schedule will be posted on the website soon, and a copy will be handed to you at registration (I hope).

I hope this is helpful. I bought my first FJR in 2004 and my wife and I attended a rally in August that year in Moscow, ID. The process outlined above is what we did. We loved it - met many great people - saw lots of new to us terrain - and made some lifelong friends, many of whom will be in Nakusp.

Jump in - the water is fine!
