O the Shame! O the Humiliation!

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I let the guy that rides this scooter pass me whenever he wants to.


I too think this one would have been left in the closet, but can't say much as I used to have one of the bigger scooters. Had the Yami Majesty. 400cc, twist and go. It would do 105 indicated and I did my fair share of passing, just never an FJR. You know, gotta show a little respect.

Note to self, don't let a scooter pass when on my FJR.


those Burgmans are impressive scooters and will get right along as some of our esteemed colleagues have discovered.

Two months ago in Motorcyclist mag, one of the editors rode one for a week and then declared "it just might be the ultimate California commuter vehicle" because of the ammenities it offers along with performance.

He might be right.

Hello, I'm TriggerT, and I too have waved to a scooter. I was going fast, and saw a double headlight coming towards me, and made the brash assumption it was a motorcycle, perhaps even another FJR. I couldn't have been more wrong. Like waking up with a case of the "Oh No's"

I believe that JB deserves the avatar of shame. Poor left coast limp wristed sob.

The King of the Black Range rides a Burgman. He can be had going up hill, but going down you had best be careful. He'll put your ass in the ditch.

I was coming home from WFO 2 summers ago, somewhat lost in some Missuorable state because I-70 was CLOSED. Anyway, while trying to skirt the stuck traffic and heading north on a nice state highway, I saw this little headlight coming up on me. I was surprised. Here I was clipping along thinking the only thing I might see coming up behind me would have red and blue lights. Nope. This guy catches me, his gray beard flopping in the wind, banging his 3/4 helmet. I bumped it up to 90. He stayed planted behind me. I bumped up over 95 and eeked away from him. I'm beginning to think I got away from him because he didn't want to go that fast, not that the Burgman 650 wouldn't do it.

Definitely not your gramma's scooter.

those Burgmans are impressive scooters and will get right along as some of our esteemed colleagues have discovered.
Two months ago in Motorcyclist mag, one of the editors rode one for a week and then declared "it just might be the ultimate California commuter vehicle" because of the ammenities it offers along with performance.

He might be right.
Mike, Jeanne didn't have much trouble keeping up with us a couple of weeks ago... :blinksmiley: Oops..let the cat out of the bag, you let a burgman hang out with your group. ^_^ Guess maybe you need to share penance with JB although she did stay behind and not blow past anyone. So really, its just an association penance and shows how confident you are in keeping your man card.


Hey JB

Honk, Honk!!

Move over!!!

Coming through....

Slower traffic to the right please....












At least this thread makes Scab feel better about Granny and the Crown Vic.

I have to concur, too much confession going on here. Some things should not be posted on the EenterNet like...

Actual speed you were traveling,

How much $$$ you spent on farkles last year,

Why Toecutter carries diaper rash ointment on the bike,

And pretty much anything JB considers "a confession".


So I'm crossing the Bay Bridge couple mornings ago heading into San Francisco. Traffic's moving pretty good, so I'm goin' with the flow, staying in my lane for more than a few seconds at a time, not lane-sharing (much :rolleyes: )...
...I can never be seen in public again. I am now living in the basement, eating dinner scraps that Fang brings me, and drinking the moisture from the walls.... My life is over..... :(


You're an embarrassment to the FJR kind...May you never feel shame again.

Now back to our regularly scheduled episode.

Have a nice day.

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I saw one of those yesterday! About one ugly machine! And what's up with the 2 wheels up front? What's the point?
I see 'em all the time. A dealer is right 'round the corner from my house. Librarians and engineers seem to like 'em a lot around here... or at least that's the stereotype look the riders have. :rolleyes:

I saw a different one of those here in the dfw area. The dude fabricated the whole front end himself. The platform was an early 80's wing. Said he used car parts, harley parts, aircraft parts. The wheels didn't lean, though. He had a car steering wheel that moved the front wheels. Kinda cool lookin, though...in an eccentric sorta way.

It's a good thing it didn't happen in Japan, the shame and dishonor would be too much to bear and you have to disembowel yourself. :assassin:
