Fogtech and Raincoat

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Feb 11, 2007
Reaction score
Carson City, NV


This product prevents rain from beading on a visor.

I found these products over on ADVRider and decided to give them a try. At this point I have been very happy with these products. I have had them applied to my visor for about three weeks now and has not re-applied. Of course, I have not cleaned my visor either, it is to cold for bugs right now and my visor is still clean. The three times I have been in light rain it was very clear the product made a differance

With winter here I figured some here might find use of these products.

A few weeks back the folks from Motosolutions popped on here and mentioned that you could get a free sample packet of their products. I bit on their offer, and finally had a chance to test the Raincoat product yesterday. Knowing that there was an "80% chance" of rain, I applied the Raincoat to my helmet visor.

The product is a thick, heavy paste that you spread around on your shield with a wet piece of cloth. They recomend a pea size glob for face shields. I would make it a small pea. Once smeared around evenly to a thin layer you allow it to dry, and then wipe-off the dried paste with a clean dry cloth. I used a microfiber towel. Easy application? Umm, no.

I met up with forum members ionbeam and cota95 in Milford yesterday morning and we rode the New Hampshire back roads up to Lincoln. The primary purpose was to accompany cota to his vacation place in Lincoln, and secondarily scouting out the only questionable section of the White Mountain route for the upcoming group ride. It rained for 7 out of the 8 hours that we rode yesterday (hey, that's close to 80%!), varying from a light mist to steady rain throughout the day, to a gully washer of a deluge in the final few miles.

Unlike some of my rain gear :rolleyes: , the raincoat product worked exactly as advertised. While the raindrops immediately in front did not run off as neatly as they do in the

, they do run off pretty well on the sides, and if if you just turn your head a little in each direction occasionally. It seemed as effective at the end of the day as at the beginning. I would expect that it will continue to work until I have to clean the shield for bugs.
For a rating, I would give it 3 1/2 stars on a scale of 5. It does what it says it does (so does Honda Spray polish) but the raincoat is time consuming to apply. I will try applying it again and see if the performance directly in front improves with multiple coatings. If so, I will be sure to update this thread. I will also try the sample provided of their FogTech product sometime soon and report results.

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hey all,

i use a fog city insert onto the inside of the visor. absolutely the best. i used the othger stuff before and it was ok for a while.

i use meguiar's carnuba wax on the outside. very much the same results.


hey all,
i use a fog city insert onto the inside of the visor. absolutely the best. i used the othger stuff before and it was ok for a while.

i use meguiar's carnuba wax on the outside. very much the same results.

As a person that wears prescription glasses, I can't use the Fog City inserts. Gives me all kinds of weird effects and distortions. This Raincoat & Fogcity stuff has my interest peaked. I might have to try them myself to see if they truly work for me or not. Thanks for the good into B)

I hope the fog prevention stuff works. I bought and tried some blue liquid crap that I bought at the International Motorcycle show a few years ago and didn't think it worked at all. When they demonstated it at the show they used a steam fogger like the guy in the video used and it magically worked there. When I used it in real life applications of cool humid weather, my sheild fogged up just like it usually had before. Post up the results for this when you try their anti fog. I'll be interested.


I also got the sample packs that were advertised. Applied both the Raincoat and the Fogtech to my visor immediately, which was then followed by about three weeks of no rain. After all the freakin' downpours this spring, July goes dry on me.

Anyway, finally mpw getting some time in the rain. Just a note, I found the Raincoat easy to apply. And works as advertised! I'll probably buy some of this stuff. Don't think the sample has enough to do the windshield, but I haven't had time to really clean winshield and try to stretch the sample. I've used RainX on cars and some other products, as well, and I tested a couple products on fighter windscreens for the Navy. This stuff seems to be holding up pretty well and works pretty well. Noticed that bug guts slide off instead of stick, too.

The Fogtech I wasn't so thrilled with. Seems to leave a heavy film (by design?) which can look smeary, especially at night with headlights from oncoming traffic. You're supposed to apply and let dry, with no polishing. I ended up wiping the inside of the visor after about a week or so, which probably removed most of it.

I had a FogCity insert before, and that worked pretty well, for a while. After about a year and a half, it really started deteriorating and was to the point where it was just as bad as fogging. Had to toss the visor. My next try will be a pinlock visor. At least its removable. The FogCity insert is a more or less permanent install.

I also tried the blue goo from the bike show. Zooke? What crap!!!! Again, made the fogging worse. A lot worse. Stay away from this snake oil. They tell you when you buy it that they guarantee it. I brought it back with me to the bike show the next year and asked for my money back (I had sent them an email via their web-site and they actually told me to do this). The sales guys were a bit stunned. I loudly mentioned the guarantee and that the stuff didn't work. They eventually shoved $20 in my hand to make me go away.


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I'm a believer that Raincoat rules! Did anyone mention that it rained at SFO?? Hundreds of miles, multiple days in the rain... The stuff works.

For anyone at SFO that I talked to - I was applying Raincoat to my windshield in the parking lot.

Fogtech, well, officially the jury is still out, but my helmet visor did still fog up.

The Fogtech I wasn't so thrilled with. Seems to leave a heavy film (by design?) which can look smeary, especially at night with headlights from oncoming traffic. You're supposed to apply and let dry, with no polishing. I ended up wiping the inside of the visor after about a week or so, which probably removed most of it.
The above, which is essentially how the instructions read to use the stuff, is why I have hesitated thus far to put it on my face shield.
