Drought check

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Well-known member
Nov 9, 2005
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The Woods of Peardale, CA
Unlike last year which broke records for no rain, this fall and winter Northern California is having a very wet start to our winter rain season. With a break in the weather I needed to get out for a ride and check on our progress against the drought.

Even though the weather man predicted partly sunny, most of the day was in overcast or heavy central valley fog.

Here's the days route with the first stop at the bridge over Lake Oroville on Bucks Lake Hwy. https://www.google.com/maps/dir/Peardale+Rd,+Grass+Valley,+CA+95945/Forbestown,+CA/Oroville,+CA/Glenn,+CA/Elk+Creek,+CA/Sites,+CA/Colusa,+CA/Peardale+Road,+Grass+Valley,+CA/@39.3776062,-122.3586527,9z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m65!4m64!1m5!1m1!1s0x809b76ab4d6d7e4b:0x7a5d9f6349f2384b!2m2!1d-120.9838628!2d39.1928141!1m15!1m1!1s0x809c95dff7122203:0xc20e26a8f2a42918!2m2!1d-121.2671825!2d39.5171268!3m4!1m2!1d-121.4300401!2d39.5497976!3s0x809cb833dd237279:0x7f3e27b3e34bb26c!3m4!1m2!1d-121.4324587!2d39.5661429!3s0x809cb81710f5ffab:0xd0697ad9fc3e17a4!1m5!1m1!1s0x809cb6034a842e11:0xb56919d60de28347!2m2!1d-121.556359!2d39.5137752!1m5!1m1!1s0x808317ca230cdb3d:0x3dcc556a3226ebda!2m2!1d-122.0138651!2d39.5218283!1m10!1m1!1s0x80824df7ef94579d:0x18dfc0742c735b27!2m2!1d-122.5398032!2d39.6050699!3m4!1m2!1d-122.5373791!2d39.4182638!3s0x8083b023dfcd922f:0x8d427a504c158b95!1m5!1m1!1s0x80830ab4717c435b:0xcd03378685f7ee75!2m2!1d-122.3385925!2d39.3087755!1m5!1m1!1s0x80836769a4f75f2b:0xa4092405c50e71eb!2m2!1d-122.0094175!2d39.2143343!1m5!1m1!1s0x809b76ab4d6d7e4b:0x7a5d9f6349f2384b!2m2!1d-120.98685!2d39.1894268!3e0?hl=en


They set records this fall on how low the lake dropped, we've got a ways to go to fill it up.


At least one boat out and about.


The Hippo.


Next stop was along the Sacramento River in the middle of the big valley. It was way up and even flowing water into the Sutter by-pass. Hasn't been this high in years.



Levee roads are fun to ride with plenty of green weeds and winter wheat.



A bit of a break in the clouds when I was on the coast side of the Valley, you can even see why it's called Snow Mountain out of Stonyford. Some real nice cloud effects against the hill.



The sun did finally pop out on the way home. Stopped to check out all the water fowl overwintering on the flooded rice fields. I guess they didn't cotton to me hanging around taking pictures. Always fun to watch the trumpet swans get air born. It was a great day for a ride with temps close to 60 the clouds and fog were no big deal plus not a single live forest rat all day, ahh what a good day. Doug

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Nice ride report. We are getting a decent amount of rain in central Indiana but lakes and ponds are still below normal levels. I got out and rode a bit yesterday but didn't take pics, probably time to carry a camera with me on every ride.

You are getting more rain than us in Central Kali. Looked at Lopez reservoir Saturday, no perceptible change in water level.

..and the grape growers are already declaring the drought is over, so the restriction to plant more grapes should be lifted.

oops, forget that last statement. You didn't read it. It doesn't exist.

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Stoneyford! you did get out and about. Great time of year for the Delta, Cache Valley and foothills. Looking outside this morning at frost, but otherwise dry roads. It looks possible, but highs around 38 won't feel like 60. Thanks for the Spring stoke Dougie!

Nice ride Doug. Holy crap, that lake has lost some volume. Makes me wonder of we'll ever make it up. Elephant Butte lake is at like 5% of capacity and is basically a mud puddle. It would take 20 years of excessive rain to bring it back. Looks like that lake there has the same issues.

AJ it IS possible to fill it in one winter but that would be epic rain events like we had in the early 80's.Our problem this year is these have been warm storms so we get lots of rain but the snow pack is on the light side.

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Riding season is upon us...the days are getting longer!

Thanks for taking us along Bug.


BTW -- Good to see the 'wing back on the road!

Nicely reported Dougie Bear. Just returned from a ride myself. Every thing is so green, just like your pictures show. A welcome sight!
