Frankentank 2

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Well-known member
May 6, 2007
Reaction score
Auburn, WA
Thanks to Dirttracker30, I received the second (and so far only other) frankentank. To say his fabrication skills are very good is an understatement. Until you see them in person, pictures will do not justice for his skills.

SO that finally got me off my duff to get the bike painted and tank installed. So for the last two weeks I have spent sanding, sealing, priming and painting the bike and trailer. The weather has been too crappy to take the bike outside and get decent pictures, so those will have to wait.

disassembling front cowling parts.


getting parts ready to sand


Parts hanging and make shift paint booth set up


First coat of red painted




Note - Frankentank was hanging so I could paint the bottom too. Then I moved it so I could do the top coats for the final two coats and the clear coats.


And here a a few pictures with the bodywork back on the bike. Sorry about the lighting, better pictures when I get good enough light/weather outside.



Side view with Frankentank 2 installed. (BIG THANKS to Dirttracker30! :clapping: )


I have to wait a couple of weeks for the paint to cure fully so I can do teh final buff on the clear coat. I also have some stickers being mad similar the Ducati 916 stickers that were on the side of the lowers. I'll update once I have the bike finished. 1 coat sealer/primer, two coats red, wet sanded the slight orange peel out, 2 more coats red, 2 coats clear. Just have the final buff out of the clear once the paint has cured fully.

By the way, the PPG paint is $180 a quart, plus the reducers and activators. It took 3 quarts of base color, 1 quart of clear, 1 quart of sealer/primer and about 100 hours of time so far. I painted the bushtec trailer to match. Looks really cool too. Don't have pictures of it to past yet.

Edit: found a couple pictures of the trailer that turned out clear enough to post



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I witnessed Auburn's painting skills in person: the bike looks really really cool. My own shade of red envy was no match;

that Ducati red just pops, and even without the buffing and polishing, the paint just glows.

Like a siren.

Which is what Auburn is likely to be hearing every time he rides it...

Seriously, it makes the stock Yammy colors look dank.

Nicely done! Oh, and you'll probably wonder how you ever got by with only 6.5 gallons of fuel. :)

Beat carrying a spare 2-1/2 gallon gas can on the trailer when riding two up. It will be good to see how far it will go with 9.5 gallons of fuel in the tank.

Looks fantastic! Like to see it when you get your custom stickers put on. Any plans to paint the side covers? That would really tie it all together. Good job. :clapping:

Looks fantastic! Like to see it when you get your custom stickers put on. Any plans to paint the side covers? That would really tie it all together. Good job. :clapping:

I wanted to leave the sides silver to break the red up some. I sanded the side covers lightly to scuff the clear coat and shot with the same clear as the rest of the parts, and the existing Yamaha clear coat reacted in a couple of areas a little bit. They may end up being red

Bryan, the bike looks fantastic, how cool that you would use the Frankentank as an excuse for a full repaint.

Can't wait to see it in person next weekend!

WOW!! Awesome job!!! :yahoo:

You have some great talent in engineering, fab, and paint. Great job. Thanks for sharing.

The tank was fabricated by Dirttracker30 and he gave it to me primed and ready to paint. I only had to do a final sand to paint the base coat. He has some great skills.
