Hot Dog Monday

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I was out in that fricking 111 heat Sunday and was just frickin miserable....went for a ride on my scooter Monday morning for about 30 minuts came home just soaking wet and said screw it...

Next time


Well, I've been waiting for Senor Nut, the Instigator of our sweaty sauna hot dog experience to post up some pics - - -

I'm thinking the memory card in his camera friggin' melted on his way home, or having regressed to the 5th grade, he forgot about it. I'm not sure which ....

So - here's a few pics that I snapped - Senor Nut took the really good ones of the FOOD !!!! (El Jefe, post up them pics !!!)

[SIZE=12pt]PINK'S !![/SIZE]


I arrived first on the scene - at about 12:15 P.M., and it was a lovely, balmy 99 Degrees. This was to be the coolest part of the ride.

Fairlaner shows next - (you can't see them here - but he's wearing some STYLIN' Pants !!


Followed just a wee bit later by Senor Nut, El Jefe de El Perro De Guadalajara.


And close behind, Barabus y Mrs. Barabus -


Accompanied by WW's FJR -


And after everyone got parked, we went and stood in line with the rest of the touristas to get our Perro's Caliente ... during our queue, we were surprised by Silver Penguin, and her DH, DH !

And while standing in line, I was not observant enough to take a picture - I think I was standing there in absolute AWE about the fact that Jill was riding her bike just 6 weeks following surgery -

But here's Jill's Bike in the parking lot -


That 2007 in front of Jill's bike belongs to Indian Scout - and that BMW K1200S (and I looked - there's no oil leak on the rear end) was ridden by DH. See?


So - just the nine of us - but we had a good time just visitn' n such - and eatin dogs, fries, chili, and soft drinks.

The ladies working the kitchen didn't look very cool - but they were moving quick, and getting those orders out -


Temp was about 102 at 2:00 PM, and it steadily rose on my ride home, hitting 106 about La Mirada, and holding at 106 all the way home.

Traffic was much lighter than I expected - I imagine that not too many people were crazy enough to go out into the heat.... ;)

Thanks for the photos. LOL on Andy's final drive!
Time will tell on the final drive. The K bike is but a new baby, with only about 13K miles.

I guess we found a warmer route to Hollywood than Hal did, or perhaps it was just arriving 45 mins later. Top temperature per the Beemer was 109 degrees. I was both surprised and pleased, to be comfortable heat-wise, riding an '03 with no heat fixes, wearing Joe Rocket Mesh pants and an Olympia mesh jacket. Perhaps the color of the jacket (hi-viz lime) scares all those heat rays back where they came from?

Thanks for the pix. Nicely done.


This was one of those rides that I could have called upon

about fifty excuses not to go. Heat being #1.......

My wife thought I was nuts and she was going to Brea ???

As soon as heard that Barry and Jean were going two up

it just got a little better and I had a chance to meet a few

new FJR riders. I/WE were really surprised/amazed to see Jill

and Andy roll up. Pain and heat.......they're tough.

And, where else could you have gotten a Huell Howser Dog ??.......

or an Ozzy Spicy Dog, a Lord of the Rings Dog, a Three Dog Night

a Martha Stewart Dog and no less the epitome of all dawgs (literally)

the Rosie O'Donnell Long Island Dog. If Steve Martin, Jay Leno,

Celine Dion, Lauren Holly and James Caan can stomach this stuff

I gotta give it a try.

Speakin' of old Dawgs.........on my way home on the 10 a sportbiker

who was coasting along in the car pool lane just a few miles an hour

faster than me, got pulled over for what looked like a bare back and

a t-shirt flappin' the backside of his helmet. :unknw: I must have

been better dressed. B)

All the way down to the 110 to the Vincent Thomas and back to HB

where....... Let the truth be told.........that shower turned full on cold

was simply delightful.



P.S. Great photos from Kaitsdad

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on my way home on the 10 a sportbiker who was coasting along in the car pool lane just a few miles an hour

faster than me, got pulled over for what looked like a bare back and

a t-shirt flappin' the backside of his helmet. :unknw: I must have

been better dressed. B)
Can they do that? i.e. pull a rider over for lack of common sense in the choice of riding gear? Stupid - yes, but there's no law against stupid. Perhaps there was some other reason.

Hey - if they're going to enforce a dress code, I need some new gear. A girl has to have a helmet to match each jacket, right? Then I'll probably need boots and pants too. :rolleyes:


It was kind of cool how the MC Cop snookered up on my right and passed me

with the old ST swoosh. He then went some six cars or so ahead of the guy

and pulled in out of the sun and came in behind him to turn on the lights.

Kind of like the Old Red Baron move. I soon shrugged it off as just another

episode of "What Not to Wear".



The ever stylish Barabus looking for reverse:


WW thinking: Why the hell did I come out in this heat?!:


Jean looks good even ATGATT!:


Help us, we're mellllllllllllllllltingggggggg, ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!:


"Uh, gee Fairlaner, who's your fashion consultant? I wanna make sure to avoid him!":


Yum, the lunch of champions! Burp.


Richard is looking for something lost in his fanthy camo, while Jean and 'Chiliman' Barry let things, um, settle:


Final gratuitous shot of leggy redhead with ink. Did I say, 'Yum', yet? :p


Good times, hot times. Great to see all of my FJR, naw... great to see all of my friends. The FJR merely 'gets' us together.

I think Fairlaner took the wife-beater comments to heart. A button-up, collared pullover? Richard? No way...

Looks like ya'll had a great ride!Next trip to Frank's Famous in SLO town?

Any particular day? Time?

Eh ??

You bring it up, you gotta organize it.

I'll be there if I can. Parades and Football games permitting. Oh yeah - let's not forget the boss lady. :huh:

Looks like ya'll had a great ride!Next trip to Frank's Famous in SLO town?

Any particular day? Time?

Eh ??

You bring it up, you gotta organize it.

I'll be there if I can. Parades and Football games permitting. Oh yeah - let's not forget the boss lady. :huh:
KD - will do. I'll even arrange it so you and the Missus can attend!
