How does one become an EOM host?

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Hell yeah!! EOM farther northeast, and not in September would be perfect. It'll be a little longer trip for me, but what do I care. I will definately attend, barring some kind of crazy conflict!
Oh, It'll be a crazy conflict all right.. We don't allow no Armadillo wranglers North of the Mason Dixon.

You can bet there will be an angry flock of Sheep keeping an eye on that line, you betcha! ;)

I'm all for later in August Fred. :)


Good to know about the early school start, Mike. I had not considered that some schools started earlier.

I will take that into consideration and maybe earlier in August will be the best plan.

PS - Washington DC is considered "Down South" to us Yankees... ;)
yeah, in Looziana, the strategy is to have 1st semester exams before the Christmas holidays...we, ah, well, also, have 5 hurricane floater days in there to increase the school year

guess that's no surprising for you Yankee snow days issues

Hey New England is still South for me. I might be able to get to one of these. And what's with CFO in New Brunswick, somebody invite a bunch of bikers to my house and didn't let me know.

Gonna be a busy summer.

Heidi answered the actual question: Who do you ask. The answer: There is really nobody to ask, you just have to do it

Thanks for that. :thumbsup:

It sounds like there may be a good amount of interest in doing one up North sometime soon. But I do not want to step on any toes, nor do I want to dillute the attendance to EOM by having a NorthEast and a SouthEast version, so I will probably check with J Willy and his gang to be sure they don't already have something in the works. If they do, the Northeast one could wait or vice versa.

One key takeaway from NAFO is that, for maximum turn out, the planning will need to be completed EARLY, ideally have the What When Where by Jan 1st, so that people can make their vacation arrangements. That is the main reason I'm kicking this around now. We'd only have 3 months to put something together in that case.

As to having it in July there are a few problems with that. One, it gets really hot in July and the riding can be miserable, even up here in the mountains. It is also prime vacation time for families, both those that come to the Mountains of NE and those who own FJRs all around the country that might want to attend. For that reason, I think that late August is the premium option for New England riding and weather. Things are starting to cool off and the tourists are pretty much spent.

As to stepping on toes, no one owns EOM. You don't have to ask anybody. Make your plans anyway as you probably will not get any response in your time frame. We sure as hell didn't. As for scheduling it was communicated early that the third weekend in September was the usual EOM weekend and would likely be the same for NAFO. It ended up on the third weekend in September. What was in play with NAFO was the rift between the two forums and some sense of ownership of the meet organizing. That was confirmed by the attendee map. Yes the cost was a limiting factor, but I don't think that a national meet is well served at a 2 star hotel. A regional event is a different story.

I say go for it. You have my support. I will make every effort to attend whenever you set the date. I want to ride more of the roads up there anyway. I didn't ride much when I lived up there. I will share any information or guidance you request with respect to my experience with NAFO planning.

It was good to see you and Joann in Knoxville! I look forward to the next time we can ride together.



As to stepping on toes, no one owns EOM. You don't have to ask anybody. Make your plans anyway as you probably will not get any response in your time frame. We sure as hell didn't. As for scheduling it was communicated early that the third weekend in September was the usual EOM weekend and would likely be the same for NAFO. It ended up on the third weekend in September. What was in play with NAFO was the rift between the two forums and some sense of ownership of the meet organizing. That was confirmed by the attendee map. Yes the cost was a limiting factor, but I don't think that a national meet is well served at a 2 star hotel. A regional event is a different story.

I say go for it. You have my support. I will make every effort to attend whenever you set the date. I want to ride more of the roads up there anyway. I didn't ride much when I lived up there. I will share any information or guidance you request with respect to my experience with NAFO planning.

It was good to see you and Joann in Knoxville! I look forward to the next time we can ride together.

OK, since i'm once again being thrown under the bus for stepping aside and letting folks who wanted to plan NAFO due just that. Let me take a moment to set the record straight.

Bob: Please get out a calendar and follow along.

At EOM 08 in Lewisburg, WV. Violine (Jay) and I had a brief conversation about NAFO 2010. Jay had attended NAFO 08 and had some conversations with Ignacio, Warchild, and whoever else about the potential to do NAFO 2010 somewhere in the East. During our brief conversation I mentioned to Jay that it was really too early to do any real planning for NAFO 2010 until after EOM 09. I had already committed to head up EOM 09, as Wayne (Extrememarine) headed the EOM in 08.

At EOM 09 in Johnson City, TN several people had been asking throughout the weekend about plans for NAFO in 2010. Instead of explaining it 30 times over I told people we would cover that at the banquet on Saturday. At the banquet the only thing I said is that NAFO 2010 was going to be in the east and that as soon as any details were available they would be made public so people can make plans to attend.

A few weeks after EOM 09 this thread about NAFO 2010 got started again about when/where/etc. Since NO ONE had said anything to me about NAFO since EOM 08 I did start looking into a few different locations/venues. As you will see in that thread, on the 24th of September last year I posted that when details were available they would be posted right away.

On October 15th, 2009 I got a message from Luvtoride (Heidi) asking: "Are you planning to step up for planning NAFO in 2010? If so, you may consider letting Jay & I step down first b4 taking reins."

After receiving that PM I replied and copied Jay on my response and apologized if I had stepped on any toes but since I hadn't heard anything about NAFO plans I assumed that they were no longer interested. I explained that it was really fine that they take it as I was facing some pretty big obstacles both professionally and personally. I wished them the best and quietly stepped aside. I even directed people later in that thread linked above to contact Jay and Heidi if they had specific questions.

That was October 15th, 2009, nearly one year before the eventual date for NAFO 2010. So Bob, where in this timeline do you see a rift between forums or someone trying to claim ownership of EOM/NAFO. The PM's are in my mailbox here on this forum, i will gladly send them to you or better yet have one of the admins of this site get them for you. You have my permission. The only thing I have ownership of that has anything to do with EOM is the domain and I will gladly transfer that to anyone who would like to use it. Your responsibility to pay the renewal.

I will admit that I might not have responded to PM's people sent me within the past 6-8 months. I also have been nearly absent from this and other forums because I have had some serious issues to deal with like a lot of people right now with the times that we live in. I hope this clears the air and we can move forward. Like my avatar says "FJR Forum, We Know Drama"

BTW: NAFO was the 4th weekend in September. <_<


I vote we all stay with (FJR)Ed & Grace, and basecamp ride from their house.
Come on up! We've got a big yard. Plenty of room for tents. I'll build a bonfire and supply the hot-dogs. You guys bring the rest...


Whew... Sounds like all the planning is done. EOM '11 at Ed's house. :yahoo: BYOB. ;)

Seriously, Ed, if we actually do kick this thing off for real, which looks like it has some serious potential, I'll be looking to you and Tom for your usual excellent help in route planning the Green Mt State.

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It sounds like there may be a good amount of interest in doing one up North sometime soon. But I do not want to step on any toes, nor do I want to dillute the attendance to EOM by having a NorthEast and a SouthEast version, so I will probably check with J Willy and his gang to be sure they don't already have something in the works. If they do, the Northeast one could wait or vice versa.
This is IMHO the best time to lay out all the cards on the table. And that's not an accidental analogy, because planning and executing a motorcycle event is at best "gambling". Many things will change between now and whatever event time is chosen next year. Then it all comes down to those last few days and weather. Aren't outdoor events fun! :)

JWilly had nothing to do with this, but others both involved in, and close to previous EOMs have been scouting for another potential event location. Lodging locations have been interviewed, possible ride routes drafted, and several other preparations made and/or considered. One key discussion point has been leaving the option open for either Spring or Fall timing, with the specific idea that IF somebody wanted to have another event elsewhere we could possibly have both.

I believe that most of us who attend these ride events, welcome the options and would likely attend more than one per year if the timing is right and the costs not too high. Hell, I've been known to ride all the way to freakin' Oooootaawww, then two months later do 10Esee, and six months later break out the KY.

My point here is YES, somebody is already considering another event location in the Southeast and I don't think that matters much. Enthusiasm, determination and just plain good luck is required to pull off any motorcycle event. Go for it Fred!!! I'll start now stocking up on Confederate flags to post all along the Mt. Washington Auto Road.


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Thanks for the inside info, Jeff. If you would PM me with more details I'd appreciate it.

So, I guess that you are saying that maybe we can get the event coordinators of the southern event and the northern event, to erm... coordinate :rolleyes: , then we could have one event early in the year and the other one later on? Maybe there will be a SEOM and NEOM in 2011? I know that I would certainly try and attend both for sure.

The only negative I foresee to having multiple EOM events is that, for many of us, money is NOT an insignificant detail. Also vacation time. So folks will likely pick just one of the two events to attend. The natural tendency is to go to whichever is closest to home. Which kind of defeats the whole spirit of the regional meetings, IMO. For me anyway, a big part of the event is being able to hook up with fellow FJR enthusiasts from far away parts. THat is what I meant by "diluting EOM".

I have also greatly enjoyed the travelling to and from the meetings to the south (even coming home in the rain), and I think that other folks should have the same opportunity. There really is a certain satisfaction in riding 1000 miles just to ride a few hundred of sport touring. The journey is a big part of the destination.

Anyway, I am not ruling anything in or out until I can speak to the other folks doing parallel planning.

... The only negative I foresee to having multiple EOM events is that, for many of us, money is NOT an insignificant detail.

Money is a huge consideration. That's why I'm staying at Ed's house. He just doesn't know it yet.


j/k Ed! Take down the fence!

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As to stepping on toes, no one owns EOM. You don't have to ask anybody. Make your plans anyway as you probably will not get any response in your time frame. We sure as hell didn't. As for scheduling it was communicated early that the third weekend in September was the usual EOM weekend and would likely be the same for NAFO. It ended up on the third weekend in September. What was in play with NAFO was the rift between the two forums and some sense of ownership of the meet organizing. That was confirmed by the attendee map. Yes the cost was a limiting factor, but I don't think that a national meet is well served at a 2 star hotel. A regional event is a different story.

I say go for it. You have my support. I will make every effort to attend whenever you set the date. I want to ride more of the roads up there anyway. I didn't ride much when I lived up there. I will share any information or guidance you request with respect to my experience with NAFO planning.

It was good to see you and Joann in Knoxville! I look forward to the next time we can ride together.

OK, since i'm once again being thrown under the bus for stepping aside and letting folks who wanted to plan NAFO due just that. Let me take a moment to set the record straight.

Bob: Please get out a calendar and follow along.

At EOM 08 in Lewisburg, WV. Violine (Jay) and I had a brief conversation about NAFO 2010. Jay had attended NAFO 08 and had some conversations with Ignacio, Warchild, and whoever else about the potential to do NAFO 2010 somewhere in the East. During our brief conversation I mentioned to Jay that it was really too early to do any real planning for NAFO 2010 until after EOM 09. I had already committed to head up EOM 09, as Wayne (Extrememarine) headed the EOM in 08.

At EOM 09 in Johnson City, TN several people had been asking throughout the weekend about plans for NAFO in 2010. Instead of explaining it 30 times over I told people we would cover that at the banquet on Saturday. At the banquet the only thing I said is that NAFO 2010 was going to be in the east and that as soon as any details were available they would be made public so people can make plans to attend.

A few weeks after EOM 09 this thread about NAFO 2010 got started again about when/where/etc. Since NO ONE had said anything to me about NAFO since EOM 08 I did start looking into a few different locations/venues. As you will see in that thread, on the 24th of September last year I posted that when details were available they would be posted right away.

On October 15th, 2009 I got a message from Luvtoride (Heidi) asking: "Are you planning to step up for planning NAFO in 2010? If so, you may consider letting Jay & I step down first b4 taking reins."

After receiving that PM I replied and copied Jay on my response and apologized if I had stepped on any toes but since I hadn't heard anything about NAFO plans I assumed that they were no longer interested. I explained that it was really fine that they take it as I was facing some pretty big obstacles both professionally and personally. I wished them the best and quietly stepped aside. I even directed people later in that thread linked above to contact Jay and Heidi if they had specific questions.

That was October 15th, 2009, nearly one year before the eventual date for NAFO 2010. So Bob, where in this timeline do you see a rift between forums or someone trying to claim ownership of EOM/NAFO. The PM's are in my mailbox here on this forum, i will gladly send them to you or better yet have one of the admins of this site get them for you. You have my permission. The only thing I have ownership of that has anything to do with EOM is the domain and I will gladly transfer that to anyone who would like to use it. Your responsibility to pay the renewal.

I will admit that I might not have responded to PM's people sent me within the past 6-8 months. I also have been nearly absent from this and other forums because I have had some serious issues to deal with like a lot of people right now with the times that we live in. I hope this clears the air and we can move forward. Like my avatar says "FJR Forum, We Know Drama"

BTW: NAFO was the 4th weekend in September. <_<

Just so it is clear I wasn't throwing anyone under the bus. Remember that you can not always read the emotion of someone by their written word. More often than not it is grossly misinterpreted. As far as following the calander goes, you are inferring that my involvement goes a whole lot farther back then it does. I bought my bike in April of '09 and didn't join the forums until the middle of the year. I didn't get involved in the NAFO planning until well after most of the discussions occurred about who, what, when, and where. I was on the sidelines and offered my assistance in the planning. From there I just went with the flow. I, too, had family medical and death issues that interfered with my planning involvement and had to work around it. I am glad it all worked out and we had a great time.

My post wasn't meant to point fingers. I was just stating MY experience and giving MY advice and encouragement. I do not and will not get involved in drama. I had enough of that when my kids were teenagers!

I also acknowledge that I can't read a calander! It is the 4th weekend! DOH! :huh:
