OK, I'm sold! BUT--05 or 06??

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Hey CK,

Well, I was so impressed with the 06 that I almost bought it but I will have to wait for the 07. I was going to lend you that $4000 but I need it to stay in the new bike fund! lol!!!!!!!

Hey the 07 FJR will be out in about 3 1/2 short months so that gives you more time ro save up for the 07. Maybe we can get a deal on two!!!!!!!!!


Hey CK,
Well, I was so impressed with the 06 that I almost bought it but I will have to wait for the 07. I was going to lend you that $4000 but I need it to stay in the new bike fund! lol!!!!!!!

Hey the 07 FJR will be out in about 3 1/2 short months so that gives you more time ro save up for the 07. Maybe we can get a deal on two!!!!!!!!!

Rob, I understand. Why don't you buy an 06 and put a top box on it. Enjoy it this year and I'll buy it from you next year for that $4,000 and you can then put the 4k toward the 07! Sure sounds like a plan to me!

How is the 06 FJR for "2 UP" riding with only one rider? My "BIG" sister wants to know!

Edit by SkooterG: Aye Carrumba!!!! Man of steel has MUCH to learn!!! Has brains of ROCK! NWS photo removed! Here is a link:

Warning: NWS!! (See CK? That's how it's properly done!)

CK's "BIG" sister

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As an owner of an 05 and an 06 and you being in a position to deciede between the two I would 100% recommend to 06 over the 05. Better heat management (that's why I sold the 05), better S/T tranny, Better windshield,

The 06 is just better all the way around. Not the the 05 is the bottom on the rung for bikes but given the choice go with the 06.


Hey CK,

Well, I was so impressed with the 06 that I almost bought it but I will have to wait for the 07. I was going to lend you that $4000 but I need it to stay in the new bike fund! lol!!!!!!!

Hey the 07 FJR will be out in about 3 1/2 short months so that gives you more time ro save up for the 07. Maybe we can get a deal on two!!!!!!!!!

Rob, I understand. Why don't you buy an 06 and put a top box on it. Enjoy it this year and I'll buy it from you next year for that $4,000 and you can then put the 4k toward the 07! Sure sounds like a plan to me!

How is the 06 FJR for "2 UP" riding with only one rider? My "BIG" sister wants to know!

Edit by SkooterG: Aye Carrumba!!!! Man of steel has MUCH to learn!!! Has brains of ROCK! NWS photo removed! Here is a link:

Warning: NWS!! (See CK? That's how it's properly done!)

CK's "BIG" sister
Boy, do I have a lot to learn! Remember I'm from another planet! My sister is really small where I come from. That is no excuse AND I do apologize to all! Especially to SkooterG.

It must have been the kryptonite!

CK Never again.

AND please don't tell the dealer network to not sell me an FJR! I really think I would fit in with you guys, and you could date my sister. (she is the one who casused all the troulbe).

I now know it is true that if it's got t--- or an engine it's going to cause me trouble.

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Hey CK,

Wow! I just love your big sister! I'm sure the FJR would be great for her but even better for you when she's on it! ;-)


PS. I'm not liking your plan............lol

My dealer (Dryer, Indy) has new a '05 on the floor and new '06's in the back.

Along with several new zx-14's, fz-1's and busas.

There have huge inventory right now!

Including a brand new SE-R1.

I was like a kid in a candy store.

Most dealers should be seriously jealous of these guys.

They want $12.5 for the new '05.

I sat on the '06. Ergos were setup totally different because of the adjustable bars and seat.

Hi Clark,

I've got an 05 ABS and am selling it to get an 06 AE. I'd keep the 05 but am intrigued by the elec. shift on the 06. If heat's an issue, there are a number of fixes now that are relatively easy to do. The most recent one I've seen involved some clear acrylic "wings" that attach to the mirror stalks and bring cool(er) air in over the tank and into the cockpit from in front of the bike. Click here

If you're considering getting an 05, I highly recommend the ABS model. The ABS has saved my bacon a couple times.

OK, All it took was one ride! I'm sold! :clapping:
Sorry Honda, but I'm off to Yamaha land! The faithfull St1100 will be put out to pasture, to live out it's remaining days in the comfort of my garage. I can't bear to sell her. She has been too many places with me. She is truly a part of the family :drinks:

She can just take a few runs a month to keep fresh.

Now, there is going to be a new THOROUGHBRED in the stall next to her, an FJR.

My only question is, do I get an 05 or is the new 06 that much better? :dntknw:

Please, anyone who has had a first generation FJR and now has the 06. Is the 06 that much better??

I can get an 05 with 3600 miles on it with a factory top box, heil extenders and a throttlemeizer<sp CC. He is asking $10,500. Maybe I could get it for $9,500?

Again, would I be smarter to get the 06?

Thanks, CK :grin:

I also left Honda land for Yamaland - My opinion - go for the 06, there are enough improvments to justify the cost difference, esspecially if you intend on keeping the bike for a few years. If you decide to go with the 05 I am sure you will really like it also, they are great bike's, I love my 06. :D

I think from reading all the post, the answer is definitely get the 06..No you have another question to ask yourself...Do you get the A or the AE....

I've been riding for 40 years and have never experienced anything like the F1 shifting on my AE.....I have never had so much fun riding a motorcycle.....Picture this,,,your hauling ass down a 2 lane country road.....you trigger a downshift right before entering the turn. Now you running around 5,000 rpm entering the turn, as you're coming around the apex you quickly give it gas and in no time your hitting redline and you hit the trigger and BAMB you just shifted into the next gear........BAMB again, next gear....uh oh another turn coming up and it's tight!!!!! You Trigger down twice BAMB BAMB you enter the turn, give it full power and then BAMB, more power, then BAMB again, now as your exiting the turn you look down an your doing over a 100!!!

Get the picture......There's only one way to fly......that's on a AE!!
