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Question: How do you insert earbuds/earplugs with a full-face helmet? Straight OSHA non-wired earplugs are no problem, but my helmet always pulled out the earbuds for the iPhone; that's why I haven't had music in my hat to this point.
Would love to have earbuds to listen to music and to dampen external noise. The combination should also mean higher-quality music.
The earfuze are molded and force the wire to drop through the gap in the lower earlobe. You custom mold the material your self and it fits into the helix of you ear as well as the canal, so they are very secure and the speakers are maintained in the sweet spot. I also use an LDRider helmet liner. It helps the helemt to slide over the ear easily. It makes the helmet much more comfortable IMHO.

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I also use the 'westone" monitors. mine are the AC20 custom series duel drivers. the sound is fantastic. worth the money for me. work great with the sena 20 set up i have. no issues yet had them since EOM 2014. ------( insert FYB smiley icon here)
Gee, thanks Mark! How do you use them with the Sena? Did you cut the speaker wire and install a plug?

Bob, Sena makes a base that has the ear bud plug. That requires the removal of the base with the speakers connected and the removal of your speakers.

Hud, iPhone buds suck. You're talking about the big flat ones that sit just inside your outer ear? You can't use those. Use buds like Skull Candy or something that pushes into your ear. Learn to use the Helmet straps to pull the foam away from your face, and most times the Helmet goes on without issue. I said "most" times because sometimes, they come out.

After a few tries, you will find what brand works for you best and is most comfortable. I just bought a set of Etymotic M5s that go deep into my ear. We'll see how comfortable those are after multiple hours. My favorites so far are a set of Sony ear buds with Skull Candy running a close second. That may change once I get some miles on these M5s.

The best way to manage your ear buds is to connect them to the back of your jacket. That way they don't end up pulling on your neck.

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Zilla, with the 20S's, you don't have to buy a different base. The original base will do either ear buds or speakers. And you ear buds speaker wire will not get destroyed. 20S also have a better boom setup than the H10's.

Bob there is a port on the sena that your able to plug head phones into . Some times i just plug headphones into the 665 and let the sr-10 bring the sound of the radar detector into my helmet with the origanal sena speakers.

That's good to know. However, when I saw Bob in September, he was using the SMH10 like mine. Did he upgrade and I missed it? Giving both speaker and ear bud options in the same base is a much better idea. When the two units I have take a dump, I'll upgrade.

Thanks for this thread and earbud tips, all. HotRodZilla, a set of moldable Earfuze are on their way.

I've already tried the cram-it-in-your-ear style buds, but again, the helmet padding pulled them out by the cords. I'll see how the moldable ones work. I have a light nylon balaclava that will start doing duty year-round if it keeps the plugs in place.

Just for the record I have the Sena SMH10. There is a plug port on the base and it is labelled "MP3", so I am assuming that is an hard wired input for an MP3 player. I haven't checked the manual. That doesn't help as that would still be using the speakers.

Just ordered the base. With Amazon Prime I will have it Thursday, so I can install it for SEO/WV this weekend!
Prime is the shit. Still trying to figure out if I can crash that party. It's looking unlikely though.

One other adjustment you will want to make to that mount is to reinforce the tail that you plug into. I used Sugru around mine, I'll shoot a pic and post it.

Just ordered the base. With Amazon Prime I will have it Thursday, so I can install it for SEO/WV this weekend!
Prime is the shit. Still trying to figure out if I can crash that party. It's looking unlikely though.

One other adjustment you will want to make to that mount is to reinforce the tail that you plug into. I used Sugru around mine, I'll shoot a pic and post it.
On the SMH10's.

If you want earbuds, with the appropriate Sena base, Shure SE215s are pretty much the best bang for your buck.

You will have to experiment to get the correct tips (Comply are best), but they offer a complete solution. they seal superbly, sound quality is awesome. They sit in your ear and nothing protrudes to catch on your helmet, or (better) helmet liner.

The first few inches of wire is stiff and it curves over your ear coming down behind. They will not come loose while riding. You will find that you run everything at much lower volumes, with better sound quality, and you can still hear regular traffic noises, albeit a bit muffled.

Bob, I burned through 2 or 3 bases because of that chicken shit ear bud plug-in on the Sena. Here's how I have avoided it:

I plug my ear buds into the jack. I leave some slack so there is no tension on that POS plug, and then I run the spiral cable to my mic-boom. I run some spirals around the boom and then zip-tie it into place. That way the bud's plug never pulls on the Sena plug. Does that make sense? If not, it should when you get your base, but let me know. I'll snap a pic and send it to you.

Bob, I burned through 2 or 3 bases because of that chicken shit ear bud plug-in on the Sena. Here's how I have avoided it:
I plug my ear buds into the jack. I leave some slack so there is no tension on that POS plug, and then I run the spiral cable to my mic-boom. I run some spirals around the boom and then zip-tie it into place. That way the bud's plug never pulls on the Sena plug. Does that make sense? If not, it should when you get your base, but let me know. I'll snap a pic and send it to you.

This is what all the cool guys are using (ok, well that's debatable). I went with the single driver model and they work well.
I like mine
. I only listen to the GPS though, and I hear her just fine.

Thanks for all the tips. Pictures would be great Matt and AJ on what you did to reinforce. To the others that made earbud recommendations, thanks. For the money I am really happy with the earfuze for now. They are very comfortable and good sound quality and noise reduction I don't hear much difference between stopped and running at 80 mph.

Thanks for all the tips. Pictures would be great Matt and AJ on what you did to reinforce. To the others that made earbud recommendations, thanks. For the money I am really happy with the earfuze for now. They are very comfortable and good sound quality and noise reduction I don't hear much difference between stopped and running at 80 mph.
I re-enforced simply by drilling two small holes in the helmet skirt and using a tiny zip-tie to fasten the weak Sena connector so it couldn't move. Never had an issue with it after that.
