Wayne (ExtremeMarine) and Annette Update

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The pace we ran Friday and Saturday provided to conditions for a crash. The run up 219 with Zoom and herfjr Saturday morning was a hard push; we were running hard; I ran through more gravel that morning that should have put us down (props to roadsmarts). Not Monday, Monday was just "us" time.
"Hard push"....hell we thought you were just getting warmed up and we were getting ready to kick it in gear. :D Just kidding. I won't speak for Iris, but I was thinking to myself that Saturday morning....how is he doing this, 2 up. You certainly made a believer out of me "extrememarine"!

Glad to hear you are home with your family Wayne. Our continued thoughts and prayers to you and Annette.


It's good to read your posts, Wayne. We're so glad you are sounding like you and Annette are healing. We've thought about you guys alot and said lots of prayers.

Jim and I can't wait to ride with you guys again!

-Iris and Jim


It is so great to hear that you guys are on moving well along the healing road. This was an up-and-down thread to read.

You have a lot of friends here.

Hi all :) This is Annette. I was told if I wanted to talk here anymore I needed to get my own name . I decided that this one was fitting since when everyone asks me what my favorite part of riding is I always say the sightseeing. With Wayne as my guide even that is exciting!

I wanted to tell you all thank you for the past month's worth of fabulous support. It has not been an easy road to travel, but with all of your prayers, visits, calls, and posts I never once felt alone. Every time I thought things were going to overwhelm me, one of you would stop by or reach out in some way and remind me to keep on going.

It is wonderful to have Wayne home. Seeing him walk in the house last Friday was so wonderful since I had not seen him walk in over a month. The best medicine for us both has been being together & being back with the kids. The little one was so happy to see him and she was thrilled to have him home for her birthday this past Monday. We are both trying hard to get back to normal. We make jokes, we talk bikes and he tries to humor me when I insist I want back on the bike. All I can say is that the first thing I thought of as I was laying in my hospital room was that I had to get well so that I could get back to EOM 09 and personally thank everyone who has helped us out. I admit it, I have it pretty bad. I hear a bike or I see a couple riding and I sigh, wishing I were out there again. 16 years of riding have soaked the love of the road into my very cells. I also never thought I would be so attached to a vehicle. I really love that bike, but I don't think it matters what we ride. I can't imagine not riding again. I think it will be a tough thing for us both to get back on, but it will happen. Let's just say that if you see extrememarine at EOM09 it will only be with his extremesightseer on board. I know it will be something I don't want to miss. Hopefully we will see some of you before then.

I also want to say a very special thank you to our friend Charlie (red diver). I know he has been through so much, but he was my rock when I was so afraid I might not see my husband again. There is no one else I could imagine having there. He kept me calm and gave me strength that I didn't know I had. If I know him, he is thinking he just did what any one would have; he is modest that way. The truth is that thank you will never come close to being enough for what he, or what all of you have done for us. This is a special group. I was told, by a wise man at EOM, that the FJR is what brings you here, but the people are the family that keeps us all together. I nodded at that time, but I had no idea until later how true and strong that was.

Here is to all of you :drinks: and I can't wait to see you all again. :friends:

This is a special group. I was told, by a wise man at EOM, that the FJR is what brings you here, but the people are the family that keeps us all together. I nodded at that time, but I had no idea until later how true and strong that was.
Here is to all of you :drinks: and I can't wait to see you all again. :friends:
I couldn't have said it better myself.....

It's totaled.

Had a conversation with our insurance this week, they are going to total out the bike. Repair estimate was $15k +, book value is $5500. Minus our $500 deductible, we'll get a check that will be just $200 short of paying it off, so no worries there.

Now the debate is whether to purchase it back as salvage for $535. Does anyone have a experience with rebuilting something like this? I'm a pretty capable shadetree mechanic, and most of this is changing parts. I am going to speak with the shop to see if any part of the swing arm or forks/frame head are tweaked or not.

Take a look, let me know what ya'll think...











Buy it back and part it out.

You'll make plenty of money to make it worth your time and go towards bike payments.

.....As long as you can wait for actual parts needs to arise.

You'll also get to keep some choice spare parts!

I've rebuilt mine twice. Though nothing as significant as this one...........

If you do rebuild.

I think you're looking at close to 4 "G"s in parts. And many long weekends.

The upside is, you are correct. Just print out the explosion parts views and follow the pictures.

As long as you stay organized, it really is not that hard. (assuming the main frame is not tweaked)

The subframes seem to take all the abuse.

I have had so-so luck with painted parts from Ebay.

Overall, all new paint is worth the money, if you have an insurance check.

There is no such thing a flawless paint on Ebay.

RonAyers got my business from both my rebuilds.

The combo of great web site, aggressive pricing on the big ticket items, and service, gets mega thumbs up from me.

Others say they can be bet on price on this part or that part, but being able see, point, click and build a complete parts list is a clear advantage for the full service sites like RonAyers. It is way to easy to miss stuff on the phone or over a counter. On two events I built build sheets and shopped hard. Both times they had the best bottom line.

Oh yah, they run free shipping specials that can seal the deal. When the time comes, Google surf the other forums for any special events on shipping. Free shipping on $4k worth of parts is a big deal. If they don't have a special get them on the phone and haggle. If they know you are about to spent that kind of cash, they may pay the shipping.

Wayne, buy it back. The engine is worth money and the rims if they are straight can be sold. If the frame is straight then rebuild. I have always bought my parts from a Libby's in New Haven, CT and if you tell them what you are doing I know that one of the brother who runs parts will swing some sort of deal. If the rims are bent I can get you the info on a place north of here that canstraighten them for you. They do great work and it is less then new. The choice is your's but it sound like fun to me. At least that way you know everypart was put together by the book.

Hello Wayne,

I haven't been on here much but am glad to see that you both are okay.

In the event that you did buy the bike back and are looking for a ride to use as Frankenstein, I am going to be parting ways with my FJR.

Let me know if you are interested in purchasing it if you have not done much on the way ofrebuilding/ replacing yours.

Thanks Mike

Thats a lot of work and damage. Time would be better spent on the new Feejer riding.

My choice would be to buy it back and part it out. The engine alone is worth a bundle.

Good luck

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Thats a lot of work and damage. Time would be better spent on the new Feejer riding.
My choice would be to buy it back and part it out. The engine alone is worth a bundle.

Good luck
Folks, you are responding to 8 month old information. Wayne skipped buying his old totaled FJR and bought a brand spankin new 08 which he has been farkling away for some time now.

Soooooooooooooooooooh what did he end up doing with the old bike????
When I came home after 30+ days in the hospital, I was in no shape physically or mentally to have that bike in the garage. I know I missed an opportunity to turn it & part it out, but I just would not have been able to stomach at that point. Insurance keep it, and I moved on. Got the killer deal on the '09 here local.

Now, ready to ride. Heading south next weekend for a day on FJR roads in the Knoxville area...


And I have kicked myself a million times for not buying that bike for $535 for a parts bike. Wayne put out the offer. I was too indecisive at the time.


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