Yellow Jacket Stings After WFO-4

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Intramural Culture Warrior
Staff member
Jun 28, 2005
Reaction score
Tri-Cities, WA
I learned a huge lesson....and it's one that I haven't even debriefed Warchild over coffee for because I'm at Lake Chelan on the second part of my vacation.

I left The Skagit Sunday morning and rode Highway 20 solo east. I ran across H Marc and a couple other riders on my trek and stopped for lunch in Winthrop. It was good and warm on the east side of the mountains and I was running with the windshield down and my Joe Rock mesh jacket.


I got nailed in the neck by something and it stung. Smarted as I felt to make sure the bee or whatever didn't go down my shirt. No feeling of stunned critters so I continued on for a minute thinking about how that was dumb and I need neck protection.

It kinda had that annoying sting quality and I thought I was going to be annoyed for the next two days because of this sting. I also thought about my dad telling the story of not being allergic to anything and then hit by something in his 280 Z and having a horrible reaction and flagging down a car to haul him to the hospital. Nearly died.

Then I got this little swirl of vertigo and laughed to myself that I was overreacting. 30 seconds later the vertigo is getting more pronounced and constant and I'm thinking I'm not imagining things. I should twist the throttle grip and make it to a real town because Twisp, Carlton, and Pateros are not where I want to have a medical emergency.

But, 1 minute later I'm very sure I'm not going to stay upright very much longer. So, I pull an emergency stop with rear ABS on some gravel shoulder, park the bike and get off. A car goes by and I wave my arms like a mad man not sure if I'm going to stay standing up. Some nice people in a sedan stop and I think I remember saying, "I just got stung by something and I think I'm having a reaction. I've never had one before, but I'm not sure I'm going to stay conscious."

They get out as I'm putting two hands on the bike to stay stood up and then all of a sudden I start buckling to the ground like a drunk man. The guy is apparantely and orthodonist and takes my pules as he starts CPR. I'm a basket case by this point, but really happy I have people helping me. They suggest laying in the car and I think that's a good idea.

I even stand up and walk fine, but for some reason as I got near the car the sun went out and I had this weird feeling like they were beating me up.

I wake up a little while later on the ground again and their eyes are really big and they look scared. They're on the cell phone and say an ambulance is coming.

They help me into the and the air conditiong feels good.

It feels like about 10 minutes before the ambulance shows up and I think I'm feeling better, but still very scared. I can sit up then without passing out and the ambulance crew move me to their rig. Pulse was like 50 and blood pressure was like 90 over 70 or something and I can only imagine what it was....or wasn't when I passed out.

I sit in the abulance for 20 minutes and I feel totally better. Since I never had trouble breathing they say it wasn't the bad kind of shock, but the kind I'd want to keep Benadryl around for. Feeling better they agree I don't need to go to the hospital and I let me ride. And, I'll tell you I wasn't about to ride unless I did feel good enough.

I can't believe how quick I went down (about 4 minutes or less) and how quickly I bounced back (30 minutes). Benadryls once I rode the 40 miles to Chelan helped, but I'm just truly feeling 100% again 24 hours later.

Squid move? Not sure, but you can bet I'm rethinking the open neck of my jacket even if it is hot.

Also, Cecil and ??? happened to go by just as I was done with the ambulance. They rode with me to make sure I didn't do something stupid like drive in a ditch.

One for the books fellow FJR riders. I'm a little wiser and a lucky guy.

Great WFO....even with the drama at the end. I hope 911 never has to be called on me again.

Also, Cecil and ??? happened to go by just as I was done with the ambulance.  They rode with me to make sure I didn't do something stupid like drive in a ditch.
I guess "???" would be me. Its good to hear that you are feeling better and you should be glad you only had to ride to Chelan. It was a very hot ride the rest of the way to the Tri-Cities. How many Benadryls did it take to get you back to normal?

Sheeze. Between you and toecutter, what is it with the FJR and bee sting reactions? :bigeyes:

Anyway, glad you're ok. Chelan was great when I was there a week ago. Very hot, but have fun with the wineries.

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Aack! That post gives me PTSD. My experience was much worse in the end, but I can easily imagine your fear of not knowing how bad it could get. I was out in under 4 minutes and woke up 4 hours later in the ER with a bunch of concerned family & friends close by. The dose makes the poison. You had better get to a competent allergist and get yourself tested for sensitivity. The next time could easily be fatal. Take it from someone who knows that his next time will surely be fatal without his handy reaction kit (2 Epi pens, 100mg Benadryl, 120mg of Prednisone and an Albuterol inhaler). I keep it close at all (day) times.

You had better get to a competent allergist and get yourself tested for sensitivity. The next time could easily be fatal.
And be careful during the sensitivity test. As toecutter can attest, even that can be almost fatal!

Just my 2 cents in your story,

The guy is apparantely and orthodonist and takes my pules as he starts CPR.
He shouldn't be doing CPR unless your heart has stopped.

And be careful during the sensitivity test. As toecutter can attest, even that can be almost fatal!
Just to clarify, the sensitivity test is done by taking some of your blood out of your body and testing it for reaction. That way they can't kill you by mistake. My second reaction came during desensitization injections, where they shoot a miniscule amount of bee venom solution into your arm, then wait and see what happens. Hopefully nothing, and you build up a resistance over time (I was quoted 5-6 years). In my case, last week, they either found my reaction threshold or gave me an accidental overdose. I'm thinking the latter, but they'll never admit it. I just have to start up my injections again, on a slightly more gradual schedule.

QUOTE (FJRottie @ Aug 9 2005, 09:50 AM) Just my 2 cents in your story,


The guy is apparantely and orthodonist and takes my pules as he starts CPR.
He shouldn't be doing CPR unless your heart has stopped. 
I was a little confused by that as well.
One thing about CPR, you don't have to worry about screwing it up, after all, they are already dead or you shouldn't be doing it. :erm:


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Jeez, and to think in the old days I used to pay good money for an experience akin to that.

My mistake. I typed "CPR", but totally meant "First Aid". He administered First Aid.

I might have had a couple of Campbell's Resorts Pina Coladas when I typed that last night.

I'm First Aid/CPR/AED/O2 certified myself and don't know why I typed that.

Feeling much better today, but I want to kill everyone of those little yellow jackets I see now.

Also, Cecil and ??? happened to go by just as I was done with the ambulance.  They rode with me to make sure I didn't do something stupid like drive in a ditch.

Hey....wait a minute..., I drove into a ditch very near there a couple yrs. back and the furrow I cut was still there a year and a half later! (don't ask) :erm:

My mistake.  I typed "CPR", but totally meant "First Aid".  He administered First Aid.
I might have had a couple of Campbell's Resorts Pina Coladas when I typed that last night. 

I'm First Aid/CPR/AED/O2 certified myself and don't know why I typed that.

Feeling much better today, but I want to kill everyone of those little yellow jackets I see now.
Whow :eek: Glad to hear you are okay!

While at speed, I got some sort of insect impailed into the MY neck on the ride over to Winthrop on Saturday.

So, suddenly, I found myself wondering a bit about it's origin and the possible side-effects which might insue.

Perhaps, a beleclava is in your future ... or, mine: couldn't hurt!!!

Does anyone wear any type of neck covering to avoid the possibility of getting stung? What are our options for summer protection?

Holy cow! That would scare the shiznite outta me... Glad it all turned out okay for you. Wow....

So this has me wondering, just what can one carry to administer to themselves in case of a reaction like yours?

I've been stung a couple of times and the last time I had club hand for a couple of days. No other symptoms like yours, but still it was really swollen. The doctor put me on Benadryl.

I think Benadryl or similar antihistamines pretty much cover the options for the kind of reaction I had. They help with swelling, itching, etc. a bit, but you have to run the course of taking the venom out of your system. I think there's a second type of antihistimine that can help the first, but it's a scrip. deal. Something about being an "H2" type.

Had it been an aniphylactic reaction (problems breathing) instead of the systemic reaction (lowered heart rate and pressure) I had then epinepherine (EpiPens) would be an option via prescription. I've been Googling and plan on talking to a doctor, but from what I've figured out the epi. wouldn't have been for me and you need to go see a doctor after you shoot yourself with Epi.

Google my friend in the meantime. There seem to be some good sites written in doctoreze about the subject. I was able to figure out a lot with an hour of searching on terms.

I too was in Winthrop on Sunday, saw your bike parked in town. Man it was hot!

About an hour out of town, I got hit in the shoulder by some kind of stinging little muthersucker, it dropped down into my lap and rolled into my inner thigh and BANG, got me through the denim and Kevlar lining. Burning pain for about 15 minutes, no allergic reaction, but imagine running openfaced helmets. FJReh got nailed with his shield up last summer. I don't think anything is sure fire protection, but if anyone has had any kind of serious insect bite reaction, your next one could be seriously bad news. Carry and don't be afraid to use an Epinephrine pen, it could save your life.
