NAFO Rallyshirt - DESIGN CONTEST!!!!!!!!!!

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Benevolent Dictator
Jun 8, 2005
Reaction score
Tri-Cities, WA
Alright folks, here is your chance to take an active role in the NAFO experience! Our initial NAFO Rallyshirt artwork had a large amount of elements from the original NAFO banner:


However, while this image looks splendid on a web browser, it is simply too complex for shirt-rendering purposes. We wrestled with it for quite a while, but no joy.

So... we are announcing the NAFO RALLYSHIRT ARTWORK CONTEST!!!!!

Here are the rules of the rally:

1) ANY FJRForum member may participate in the NAFO Rallyshirt Artwork contest.

2) ONLY actual NAFO attendees will be able to vote on the final version that will be used.

3) Entrants can send their artwork to: NAFO-Artwork AT

4) All serious artwork entries will be displayed on a separate web page for viewing.

5) The cutoff date for sending in Artwork entries is June 20, 2008.

6) Voting will occur between June 20 and June 30th, 2008. NAFO attendees will use their NAFO registration number to log into an uber-secret web page and vote for their favorite artwork.

7) July 1st, 2008, the winning artwork is announced, and the design goes to our shirtmaker for rendering NAFO rallyshirts.



This is art, so, there aren't really any rules. However, there are three general design concepts you must follow, but otherwise, you have a blank canvas.

1) You must (obviously) weave in the FJR1300 into your design in some manner, and it should take a prominent role.

2) The Rocky Mountains or some other Colorado-oriented imagery should be included to suggest the venue location.

3) The acronym "NAFO" or the spelled out "North American FJR Owners" should ideally take a place in your artwork



If the winner is a NAFO attendee, she/he will get one free "pull" at the SWAG table for one of the massive goodies the vendors are providing us. Trust me, this is a GOOD deal! B)

If the winner is a non-NAFO attendee, s/he will receive two free rallyshirts in any size that is offered (medium-XXXL)



The final artwork you present to us needs to be in Encapsulated Postscript graphics format (.eps file extension). However, you are free to provide the artwork sample as a .jpg, because that's what I will convert it to for web site display purposes.

Alright, all you shirt design artists out there in FJRForum-land......... let's see some of that awesome graphic work!!! B)


NOTE: To keep this thread focused and on-track, moderation is enforced. Spurious/off-topic/peanut gallery comments will be removed.

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Is the artwork to be single colour only or can it be multicolour?

White shirts or can the Artwork dictate a coloured (eg - blue) shirt?

Single location only or can it be multilocation (i.e. - front/back/sleeve)?

Is the artwork to be single colour only or can it be multicolour?White shirts or can the Artwork dictate a coloured (eg - blue) shirt?

Single location only or can it be multilocation (i.e. - front/back/sleeve)?
Good questions... we were initially looking at a blue-colored rallyshirt, but we are not locked into a particular color right now.

However, please rule out a white-colored garment..... these make poor rallyshirts.

Artwork color itself can be multicolored... though please try to limit the artwork to 4 distinct colors.

If your artwork is "bright" enough, we can go with a black rallyshirt to pay homage to the 2008 FJR paint color.

This artwork was intended for the back of the shirt.

We traditionally use the FJR logo on the front left breast.

Also, we (traditionally) place the words "FJR1300 Owners" on one sleeve, and the venue location/dates down the other sleeve.

However, as I initially said, you essentially have a blank canvas to work with.... so if you can design a better mousetrap, we'll see what'cha got...

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So how do ACTUAL NAFO attendees vote?
Using their adroit reading comprehension skills, they will take note of Rule #6 in the original post above, and will use that stated method to vote. :D

The specific link to the voting page will be posted as the June 20th voting date draws near.

So how do ACTUAL NAFO attendees vote?
Using their adroit reading comprehension skills, they will take note of Rule #6 in the original post above, and will use that stated method to vote. :D

The specific link to the voting page will be posted as the June 20th voting date draws near.
oh yeah...actually reading the post helps I guess. :p

-edit- do I get the rock? :)

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Well, so far, this is what our rallyshirts will look like..... :glare:


Okay, it's only been 4 days since this contest was announced, but I was figuring on someone coming up with some kind of preliminary design by now..... :unsure:

The thing is, we need to declare a shirt color real soon, and I would hate to select a color that completely clashes with a good design.... but the clock is ticking. We're running out of time. We must order our shirts by next Tuesday (June 10) to ensure we get all sizes in the color we want.

Again, this is an opportunity for y'all to have a direct impact on NAFO; this rallyshirt will be a Collector's Item as the very first North American FJR National Meet. This could be YOUR design that will be seen for years to come.

Get crackin', folks.... time is winding down. I need to start exercising my search skills and find those people that were....ummmmm.....perhaps critical of previous designs and remind them of this GOLDEN opportunity to have their idea live in perpetuity?

Time to whip out those cocktail napkins and sketch something out. ;) One could even use the existing font for "NAFO" if one wants to focus on some graphic.

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Fantastic!!! I have SEVERAL almost ready to go! PLEASE please please use a lighter colored shirt! (grey, or off white, tan or oatmeal, etc...) Not everyone wears black shirts like the Harley riders, and some of us actually avoid them (black shirts, not Harley riders)..., but most everyone wears some kind of lighter colors some times... Besides, it makes designs more flexible...

I'll be sending at least two designs.


By the sounds of this thread (insert cricket chirping) you're in a good position to dictate color. I wish I had artistic talent, but with the boatload of other mad skillz I've got there just isn't room for art.

I look forward to seeing your submissions (as does everyone else, I imagine)

Who has submitted rally shirt designs or will be doing so?

The clock is ticking and the deadline is nearing.

Can anybody come up with anything better than the Park City rally shirts?


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