CalSci Tinted Shorty

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Dayum...I really like that, and for $125, I think it's worth a try. I think I'll order one soon. That should look great on an '07, and since I never look through the shield anyway, it will probably be a permanent install on my bike. Sweet!!
'Zilla... did you ever order this shield? Looks like it might be a good all-season shield for us here in NM. Would appreciate your thoughts if/when you do put this on your Feej.
No, I kind of forgot; although, it goes through my head at random times. I'm an idiot sometimes. Anyway, dealing with this broken foot and 3...yes, 3 sick kids, has my priorties all over the place. I'm thinking I'll order one in the next week or two...Matter of fact, I'll call them right now and get the ball rolling. If you're thinking of getting one, lemme know. We'll double order and see if we can work out a discount.

The bike will be parked until at least the 29th, so if I have it by then, maybe I can put it on and roll the bike out of the garage with the new shield attached. I'll let you know

Stock windscreen cut down about 6" and painted black on the inside. I'm a cheap ass, and I never liked the stock screen anyway. I spent my windscreen money on a barn door (VStream) for cooler months. I'm happy with both.


Sorry Twisty...I actually like the stock screen. It blocks enough wind for me, and I don't want to have to change screens summer and winter.

I talked to Mark and CalSci. He was a nice guy and said the tinted shorty shield is about the same size as the stock screen with better aerodynamics. A cut down screen wont give me that.

It'll be $140 shipped. Prolly next week though as we just spent $300 fixing our piece of shit GE fridge. I will NEVER buy anything from those GE assholes again. Their product sucks!

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I have the Cee Baileys -2 height and +3 wide from stock with a Lamanar flow wing and I noticed a cleaner flow of air and a lot smoother air across my helmet = less noise.


I have the Cee Baileys -2 height and +3 wide from stock with a Lamanar flow wing and I noticed a cleaner flow of air and a lot smoother air across my helmet = less noise.

IMG_2353.JPG do I get the Cal-Sci or the Cee Baileys? The stock windshield is about 1-2 inches too high for me. And I like the look of the dark tinted screen on my Black Cherry 07. When I had my Katana, I did the stock windshield chop and paint, and it worked fine too. Decisions, decisions....

I took my first ride with the CalSci tinted shorty yesterday. No only does everyone that has seen the bike says "wow that looks good", there was a distinct difference in the airflow. Since it does not have the hole in the windshield you still get a bit of back pressure when fully up, but less than stock. excellent purchase!

+1 again on the tinted shorty. Looks great on the 08 and flow and noise is much better than stock. It's more upright in design than the stocker.


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No, I kind of forgot; although, it goes through my head at random times. I'm an idiot sometimes. Anyway, dealing with this broken foot and 3...yes, 3 sick kids, has my priorties all over the place. I'm thinking I'll order one in the next week or two...Matter of fact, I'll call them right now and get the ball rolling. If you're thinking of getting one, lemme know. We'll double order and see if we can work out a discount.

The bike will be parked until at least the 29th, so if I have it by then, maybe I can put it on and roll the bike out of the garage with the new shield attached. I'll let you know
Haha, unfortunately, assets are frozen for the time being until the Jeep is sold and the backyard is landscaped... but I'd definitely be interested to hear how this shield works out for you. Either way, it HAS to be better than the stocker.

Yikes, 3 sick kids... there are definitely some nasty bugs going around this year. Working in the hospital, we always get to sample all of the year's finest viruses. There have been some doosies this year. Hope you don't catch it!

I just installed the CalSci tinted shorty screen. I will be taking it for a test ride today. I will get some pics while I am at it. It looks great, now to see how well it performs. Also will be trying out the new Sena SMH10 BT system.

I took a short 70 mile ride and have to say the Tinted Shorty shield is nice. Although it is about the same size as stock it seems to block the wind better(Shoulder area mainly). No helmet buffeting at all, raised or lowered. The Sena BT headset was really nice as well. The system worked great. We held clear communications up to about 2 corners away from each other. If we maintained line of sight, audio was loud and clear. It paired with my Droid X perfectly. Music sound lacked any bass response from speakers so lows are pretty much nonexistent. Volume level is high so that is good. Overall very happy with these two upgrades. :thumbsupsmileyanim:

Took a couple quick pics for visual.




Here's a proper Gen2. Tinted shorty, FZ1 mirrors, and tail lifted a bit with an aftermarket shock.

120 miles today in 42 degree weather was a bit chilly but doable with the CalSci, I will probably put my Cee Bailey +2 flip on for rest of spring once I start to ride regularly.


I read through this thread hoping to gleen a little more info about a possible summer shield and it didn't disappoint.

I like the stock screen, but it's about an 1" too tall, when fully lowered, to put my helmet in 100% clean air (my RF1000 Shoei is dead quiet when in clean air). I'd like to take a little more off my shoulders, but a little "reminder" of how fast I'm going isn't bad. I know from previous experiences that cutting a stock shield is usually a waste of time. The rolled edge around the stock screen usually helps with airflow and rigidty. It sounds as if the Cal-Sci shorty just may be the ticket.

I'll look into this more, as spring approaches, and wait patiently to anyone elses shared opinions.

Hi All,

No surprise, I too am looking to replace my stock screen, on a '10.

The 'shorty' doesn't strike me, looking at the photos, as 'short' at all. At 6'1", I find near-zero relief from he stock screen myself.

How does the Shorty compare to a CalSci Medium? That's the recommended on their site for me.


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Hi All,

No surprise, I too am looking to replace my stock screen, on a '10.

The 'shorty' doesn't strike me, looking at the photos, as 'short' at all. At 6'1", I find near-zero relief from he stock screen myself.

How does the Shorty compare to a CalSci Medium? That's the recommended on their site for me.

According to Mike @ CalSi, the shorty is an inch taller than the stock screen. So if your too tall for the stock, you'll be too tall for the shorty.

I think I said it before, but he said the dimensions are very close to the stock screen, but with better aerodynamics. Looks like the base is slightly wider too.

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According to Mike @ CalSi, the shorty is an inch taller than the stock screen. So if your too tall for the stock, you'll be too tall for the shorty.

I think I said it before, but he said the dimensions are very close to the stock screen, but with better aerodynamics. Looks like the base is slightly wider too.
Thanks. While I had read the comment, the pics make it seem taller. Are their shields more 'vertically' oriented than stock? Or, if they're 'straight', without the OEM arc viewed in profile, that could create an 'effectively' taller screen.

With so many good inputs, so many source (and different viewpoints), it can be hard to feel comfortable with one's own assessment.

Your help's appreciated.

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Never enough photos...<g>. Thanks for pulling them together.

Your '6634 pic, with the two bikes together for comparison makes it very apparent. Makes me feel a lot better about going with a CalSci Medium. And, given their level of customer service, I won't lose sleep over it.

Must say, I really do like the 'straight' profile of the Shorty over the OEM shield.

Well, time to order. I'll share my impressions when I'm able.

