CFR 2018 - WooHoo! Registration is going LIVE November 1st!

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Joey has been fighting a bad back and he soldiered on despite the pain. He made it about 750 miles is my guess. We knew it was a long shot he would be able to make it. I feel really bad for him. He is hearing back home to get better. I truly feel that is the best decision. My prayers for healing are with him. Thanks his sucks for him. He was so looking forward to this. So, I need some help redirecting. I am in far North Eastern Kansas. I would like to catch up to someone heading to Nakusp. Anyone gonna be around Denver tomorrow? Where should I head? I am gonna keep heading North West. I gotta go that way anyway. Might as well make some progress. My cell is 618-918-1919. Give me a call, I have Bluetooth. Thanks for any and all help. Cav.
Oh man that's terrible... I'm so sorry to hear that he had to turn back... he must be devastated... :(

He is.

I got to Selling, OK at lunch. The morning was horrible. I took the drugs. And then I took more drugs. And then I cursed at myself. And when I walked into that diner for lunch, it hit me .

Im just not having fun.

Ill take two more days to get home. Just ride easy in the morning and lay down in the afternoon.

Im sorry, yall.

Sorry to hear this. Heal up my friend and all the good roads will still be there along with the good folks. If your good by Sept. join us for the Reuben Run. I know how you feel. I've been dealing with chronic spine problems for many years but I'm to stubborn/stupid to give in.

Hope you sent the shampoo ahead with Josh. Wouldn't want it to get wasted at home.

He is. I got to Selling, OK at lunch. The morning was horrible. I took the drugs. And then I took more drugs. And then I cursed at myself. And when I walked into that diner for lunch, it hit me .

Im just not having fun.

Ill take two more days to get home. Just ride easy in the morning and lay down in the afternoon.

Im sorry, yall.
We’ll miss ya. Take care!

I wear a Back-A-Line back belt cinched up tight.....

This is very sad. Pant and Cav47 were looking forward to this trip for a long long time. Take care heading home Pants and get well so you can resume motorcycling. I was hoping the heat would help you. I know it has help me aches while riding at times. When I read you were laying on an ice bag I was very concerned. Take care my friend. Lots of people will miss you and are pulling for you.

Joey has been fighting a bad back and he soldiered on despite the pain. He made it about 750 miles is my guess. We knew it was a long shot he would be able to make it. I feel really bad for him. He is hearing back home to get better. I truly feel that is the best decision. My prayers for healing are with him. Thanks his sucks for him. He was so looking forward to this. So, I need some help redirecting. I am in far North Eastern Kansas. I would like to catch up to someone heading to Nakusp. Anyone gonna be around Denver tomorrow? Where should I head? I am gonna keep heading North West. I gotta go that way anyway. Might as well make some progress. My cell is 618-918-1919. Give me a call, I have Bluetooth. Thanks for any and all help. Cav.
Oh man that's terrible... I'm so sorry to hear that he had to turn back... he must be devastated...

Thanks for everyone advice. It’s gonna be fine for me. It’s Joey who it sucks for.

I am camping in Sitton Colorado. Got a convenient spot for 20 bucks. Shower was clean. Good WiFi. I have no complaints. Talked to Mad Mudder. Gonna try to catch him in Montrose. Plan is fluid from there. 930 miles for today. It was freaking hot and the wind was a bitch.

Sadly ya'll, we can't make this meet :-(( ............ to say we're disappointed is a huge understatement.

I've informed our esteemed Rally Master Dave and cancelled our room at the Lodge. So, one room up for grabs.

Any pics and RR's would be really appreciated as we'll be following along on the Forum.

Bummed , bummed :-( :-(

Program for the Ramble

Thursday - arrival at the Lodge, get your rooms, mill around the parking lot/bar/lakefront walk/explore Nakusp and figure out where you want to go for supper. Registration will open at 6:00PM - the area we were assigned for registration last time was near the bar (coincidence - I think not!) Those of you who have purchased shirts will find them in your registration bag. Your personalized, collectible, double-sided nametag with lanyard will serve as the only acceptable entry ticket for all events so please just put it around your neck and leave it there until Sunday! The nametags also make meeting new friends so much easier. Thursday is an open evening but if history repeats itself (and it will) there will be many old friends met and new friends made in the parking lot this night. There is a liquor store inside the Lodge and the local LEO's are pretty cool about open containers in the enclosed parking area - but please don't wander around the main streets with a beer in your hand or generally act like a yahoo! Your registration package will also include maps of three highly-recommended loop rides and .gpx files will also be available on thumbdrives for those who prefer to pre-load their GPS. Figure out where you want to go on Friday and find a few like-minded friends to ride with. We highly recommend group sizes of 5 or less to optimize road safety and ease of fueling both the bikes and yourselves as this is small-town Canada you will be travelling through - and trying to find a café to feed lunch to your group of 20 will be challenging! If you are having any trouble finding others to ride with, please talk to any of the Ramble staff (we will be easily identified by our special caps) and we'll try to match you up. If you have brought donation items for the raffle you can provide them to any of the Ramble staff anytime before the banquet on Saturday - but the sooner the better.

Friday - Many/most will take advantage of the perfect weather and gorgeous surroundings to take a day ride (see above). There are no Ramble events until after supper, so you have the full day to explore, take pictures, and to create those all important memories for the bench-racing at the end of the day. For those that are tired of riding, there are local hot springs, and many other attractions - lots of brochures available at the Lodge when you check in. The Meet & Greet reception will start at 7:00PM in the meeting room under the Annex building at the Lodge. There will be 2 complimentary beverages for each rider and some light snacks provided - but this is not a supper - please eat before you come to the reception or you will be hungry! The Ramble staff will make some brief introductory remarks and provide any late-breaking housekeeping announcements at 7:15, but the evening will be very informal and is intended to encourage lots of mix and mingle activity - because you know how shy FJR riders are! Repeat ride-planning/small group formation activities as per Thursday night, as Saturday is going to be another perfect day to take a small-group dayride!

Saturday - Repeat Friday instructions above to see and enjoy the beautiful Kootenay Valley and its roads and/or attractions. The first official Ramble event will be the group photo at 5:00PM - more details to follow. At 6:00PM the Banquet will start and you will be heading to the Royal Canadian Legion (a short walk) for cocktail "hour". Supper will be served promptly at 6:30 (hours are very short in Canada). There will be raffle items on display in our private function room at the Legion and all of the Ramble staff will have raffle tickets to sell to you - buy early and buy often! 100% of the proceeds from the raffle will be donated to the Nakusp Food Bank and we hope that they will have a representative at the Banquet to accept our cheque. Only put the "bin-halves" of your raffle tickets in the containers for items you would like to win. If you don't want an item, don't put any of your tickets in its bin. If you don't want to win anything but still want to support a very good cause there will also be a cash donation box at the banquet. After supper we will have some brief remarks from your hosts/Ramble staff, and then Barb is going to lead-off a session we are calling Bearly Flying story-time. We have dedicated this CFR to our good friend Don Peterson who was Bearly Flying on the forum and was a volunteer staff member for both this Ramble and CFR 2009. We were all shocked when Don passed away very suddenly shortly after CFR 2018 registration opened last Fall. If you have any Bearly anecdotes or memories you'd like to share we are going to have an open-mike time for that purpose. After that we will close off the raffle and draw the winning tickets for each of the items. Then we will wander back to the Lodge parking lot for some more serious bench-racing. (Some will be packing for an early launch on Sunday!)

Sunday - And another great CFR is in the books folks! No official events this day. Lots of packing, checking out of the Lodge, and more than a few emotional farewells as we head off and spread out again to the four corners of Canada and the USA, until we meet again at the next great FJR event! We hope you had a great Ramble and that we will see you again soon!

PS The Lodge at the Arrow Lakes is the host hotel/Ramble central but we also have a number of attendees staying at the Selkirk Inn, and a few who are camping nearby. You will want to plan time for meeting and greeting at the Lodge (as suggested above), or you won't get the full CFR experience!

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Over 600 miles today. By the time I was toast, I was in the middle of no where. By the time I got somewhere with a decent room, I was just close enough to go home. So I got pissed of and went all the way.

The last 70 miles were not my finest hour.

The shampoo washed down the muscle relaxer and the spasms are starting to wane finally.

Ill work on healing up. You guys have a lot of fun.

Over 600 miles today. By the time I was toast, I was in the middle of no where. By the time I got somewhere with a decent room, I was just close enough to go home. So I got pissed of and went all the way. The last 70 miles were not my finest hour.

The shampoo washed down the muscle relaxer and the spasms are starting to wane finally.

Ill work on healing up. You guys have a lot of fun.
Glad you made it home safe, get better or I’ll send Wheatie down to give you slow, relaxing massages...


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