Garmin Quest 2 Vs. 276c

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Well-known member
Jun 13, 2005
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Northern Illinois
Ok, I've just read that Garmin just released the Quest 2. For those in the GPS user community, could the Quest 2 be the new "must have"? What are the advantages of one over the other?

Ok, I've just read that Garmin just released the Quest 2. For those in the GPS user community, could the Quest 2 be the new "must have"? What are the advantages of one over the other?
I've got the QUEST 1 and I can't see any real changes that would warrant replacement with the 2 IMO.

could the Quest 2 be the new "must have"? What are the advantages of one over the other?
Quest 2 comes with the preloaded maps, not much change, still a pretty limited GPS unit at a low price.

Kind of like buying a 250 c.c. when you can own a 1300 c.c. engine. ;)

With all the City Select data preloaded onboard and another 140 mb for things like Topo, please describe how you think it is limited. I currently use a GPS V and the two limitations with it are its 19 mb capacity and slow processor resulting in lazy reroutes. Color is only a bonus and with my less than stellar near visiom a larger display would be nice. I don't care if it talks or not. The 276C has a much better and bigger display but is limited to Garmin's expensive and small proprietary memory. The 376C would be great with the built in XM, but it is also limited to Garmin's memory. If the 376C had an SD card I'd preorder it today.

With all the City Select data preloaded onboard and another 140 mb for things like Topo, please describe how you think it is limited.
To start with, the City Select map have much less attributes then the City Navigator mapping software like the Gamin SP. I also feel the smaller screen and limited size makes it difficult for some to use due to it's size.

The unit is fine for what it is, but it is no comparison to some of the units that have faster processors and better GPS receiver and mapping software.

I am not saying the Quest 2 is bad, I am just use to something bigger and better like my FJR 1300 instead of a 250 c.c. that does pretty much everything the FJR does but slower and it's smaller in size. ;)

The SP 2720 will offer a better solution if you wish to own a nice GPS unit.

The only real difference between the Quest 1 and Quest 2 is that the Q2 has City Select for the entire US already loaded in it. The Q1 can only hold about 5/8 of the US with it's current amount of memory. Given that the Q2 had it all in it already and then lets you stuff another 140meg on top of that, it's pretty sweet. Kinda nice because you don't have to constantly be loading in regions if you don't want to.

However, I don't see any real advantage to the Q2 if you are comfortable with USB and loading regions before your trip. And unless you plan on driving across the country, I doubt you would never need a larger region than what the Q1 already provides.

Now, onto the 276c. The 276c is more of the "man's man" GPS. It focuses more on map screen quality. The 276c screen refresh is MUCH faster and it is MUCH easier to see/read. As a matter of fact, one can start on the east coast, zoom into a 3mi zoom, hold the left scroll button down, and it will continue to pan all the way to the west coast without ever pausing for a refresh. That pretty much rocks in my book. Something that the Q1 or Q2 can't do and is basically critical if you are trying to find your way out of some place on the "less traveled roads".

The 276c doesn't do quite as many "gee wizz" things. The auto-routing is more crude. I don't think the 276c talks. And there is the whole proprietary (sp?) memory thing.

None the less, I would definately go 276c. It's worth it in the screen alone. I'm hoping that now that the 376c is out, the price on the 276c will come down to my price point. At which point, I plan to spring for it, the 256meg card, and the Touratech mount.

Until then, I'll have to keep drooling over my friends' units while I mash buttons on my III+. Even though I have to admit I've gotten pretty good using it to tell me where I am and using the old paper map to get me back on the path.

City Select will occupy about 1.6 GB so the Quest will hold less than 1/10 of the data. This is not a limitation if you don't stray far from home. The Quest may not even hold all of Texas. That said, City Select provides good info and has always got me where I needed to go with or without maps. I'm not familiar with City Navigator but City Select works for me. So, when the 376C comes out with City Select preinstalled or they get away from their proprietary memory, I'll buy one.

The auto-routing is more crude. I don't think the 276c talks.
The Garmin 276c with the Auto Nav kit and City Select mapping software will route you turn by turn both Audio and visual.

The City Select mapping software have less attributes but it will still route you to the final destination. ;)

I don't use the Garmin 276c on my FJR, I have a Magellan 750Nav Plus that does the job for me.

I'm going with the quest 2 and mainly because I want to be able to use the same unit as a handheld when I'm out hunting, camping or fishing. It will do the job for what I'm going to be using it for.

I'm going with the quest 2 and mainly because I want to be able to use the same unit as a handheld when I'm out hunting, camping or fishing. It will do the job for what I'm going to be using it for.
I use my 276C in the car, on the bike, AND as a handheld. I've even taken with me when my pilot friend takes me up with him. It does everything I need it to do and does it well.

Plus I got a really sweet deal at Autonav 2000 (04FJR4ME's company)

My Quest 1 does everything I need it too. Gets me to Point "A" to point "B"! Doesn't probably do all of the things the higher end ones do, but enough for me, plus I like the size! Just wonder if it can be upgraded to the new version or traded in? Not necessary though.
