New Hampshire

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Jun 24, 2005
Reaction score
Sandown, NH
HERFJR and hubby rode from Albany, NY to Portsmouth, NH on Saturday in spite of snow in the forecast. Luck beats good -- they managed to ride along in a hole in the storm and missed all the snow and rain :good: My wife and I met them in Portsmouth on Sunday morning to ride part way back to NY with them.

I led a PG rated ride on Rt. 153 to Conway. Unfortunately we shared the road with some very slow cars and trucks on some of the best sections of the road. We refueled (us, not the bikes) in Conway and headed out for the Kancamangus Mtns. (Rt. 112). After restarting the bikes in Conway my faithful, trouble free FJR lost that reputation by running very bad and I considered turning back right then. We elected to give it a try and went on to enjoy a really nice trip through the Kanc. HERFJR took the lead and set a R rated and sometimes an X rated pace :lol: With the exception of the first photo, all pixs were taken from a moving motorcycle, several pixs were taken in excess of... hmmm, well lets say the speedo needle was closer to 1:00 than 12:00. :unsure:

We had a great time and look forward to riding with HERFJR and hubby Jim again!








End part one.


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Sniff, fall in New England... my favorite time and place to be. Maybe I should go and visit mom back home...

Nah, it's sunny and 80 here today! :p


Some beautiful roads. I didn't see very much of the White Mountains this year at all. Bummer. Weather forecast looks pretty good this week, considering it's November. Maybe I'll have a sick day. Cough, cough.

Speaking of R rated, I got a reminder from Mass SP that R isn't allowed on route 95. Glad I wasn't doing X at the time.

Happy Halloween.


That was a great day. It was wonderful to meet you and Helen. Jim and I agreed that Helen was a trooper for hanging on for her dear life and taking pics at the same time :clap: . The pictures came out great!!! Thanks for posting them.

Wow. Every time I visit the Eastern side of the map I love the hills and trees. Your pics were awesome! I love the cloud formation...very smooth. Beautiful colors. Fun action pics too! Thanks!

Great pictures and report!

Looks beautiful!

One of those pics is my new screensaver.

My wife likes it and says, "lets go there!"

Great pix, the Mass State Police got me Saturday morning doing x on my FJR. As he was handing me the ticket it started snowing. The bike is know away in heated storage and I'm awaiting a Court Date!!!

Hi SpeedFreak!!!

Helen is one of a kind!
Camera platform model: A1 FearlessPillion

SpeedFreak, I like the new Avitar! Bye bye Dull Computers. Quite a toy box, 725 HP worth of toys. Hope your two prospectives worked out!

FWIW, nice break-in ride SpeedFreak!



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Hmmm... I know that couple!


Hey, I & Jim! Haven't seen you guys since the ride I lead around Sacandaga Lake. Remember all the rubber we laid down on the pavement coming out of corners? I see you still like to pin the throttle. :D Btw, this is Ray (Silver '04 ABS). We should get together for another ride.


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