Next EOM?

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Well-known member
Oct 28, 2008
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Lancaster, PA
Hey, just wondering, any clue what the dates or the next EOM are? I assume some time in 2009, but ya never know. Reason I bring this up is very selfish. I pretty much cannot do anything but work from about mid September to mid October in any given year, and dangit it looked like there was lots of fun to be had at EOM08. So...for whomever plans these things, is there any hope of EOM09 being late August/early September?


There is a very good reason why EOM has been held in the month that it takes place. I personally feel that holding this meet anytime during August is a huge mistake... although, I am not the one that will be planning EOM09.

Humidity is absolutely stifling in the southern states in July-August & not fun to ride in.

The person that is picking up the planning of EOM09 lives in the deep south & I am assuming that he'd agree about the weather... but I do not know that for sure.

The beginning of September brings Labor Day. That is a big reason why the meet is not planned the 1st weekend in September.

EOM08's date were planned around other FJR meetings & the MotoGP in Indiana.

For sure, there is a method to the madness.

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When I was involved in the planning for 05 EOM Sept was chosen due to hotel load, pre leaf watcher, post squid watch on Deals gap, and school was in session which meant that family vacations were through, and that is the month the previous EOM was held. Sometimes the timing is due to tradition rather than anthing else and EOM has always been in mid Sept to late Sept.

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Yup, those are even more reasons. My reasoning would be primarily because of the weather.

So, you were involved w/ '05's planning? I thought that smthng took that on alone except for dinner. I think that Mr Bill took on dinner prep. Even back then it took a village, huh?

I went to a Rally in Lewisburg in August and it was 92 degrees and humid. Horrible. I'd rather dress my candy a$$ (with kerosene on my socks) in heated gear. LOL

I started by setting up location and date then smthng took on the details. I got involved in the 04 due to hurricane delaying or prevented the 03/04 planners to make I so I led several rides and Mc'd the dinner. My back went out mid summer and I couldn't make it to the meet in 05. Still have the t-shirt. Haven't been able to make one since. This year I went to the MotoGP, last year and 06 work issues.

We've had the EOM on the same weekend for the last two years. Sure seems to work out well. Why tamper w/ success?

We've had the EOM on the same weekend for the last two years. Sure seems to work out well. Why tamper w/ success?
Well, if you are a teacher whose "has had the whole summer off" your boss isn't likely to say go ahead take a day at the start of the semester to go to EOM. I'm not at a point where I can plan an event, so I guess I'm out of luck.

We've had the EOM on the same weekend for the last two years. Sure seems to work out well. Why tamper w/ success?
Well, if you are a teacher whose "has had the whole summer off" your boss isn't likely to say go ahead take a day at the start of the semester to go to EOM. I'm not at a point where I can plan an event, so I guess I'm out of luck.
We have a lot of FJR owners who are teachers or employed in the education system. As a parent of school-age children I too have mumbled often about moving EOM up a couple weeks. So far, the majority has continuously preferred the same mid-September weekend. The best you can hope for with one of these events is to make most of the people happy.

A late August EOM would work if it were held in a more northern location. To have it much earlier in the south, would require making it an early Summer event, something like mid-June at the latest.

A late August EOM would work if it were held in a more northern location.
Yes, & then it would only be horrible until us southern folk are several hundred miles away from our southerly homes. :rolleyes:

For real, I wouldn't mind a spring meet... but that just isn't like the traditional EOM meet. '09's meet & NAFO2 planners have already spoken up. This might be a hint to future planners for '11, though.

drjfjr, I've attended EOM since '05. I was completely unaware that you'd helped. Huge cudos to you, man.

Have we met at one time or another?


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A late August EOM would work if it were held in a more northern location.
Yes, & then it would only be horrible until us southern folk are several hundred miles away from our southerly homes...
Well, ya know, it was 38° F here in NH when we left for WV, and it was getting back down to that point on our return trip. The temps were like that for several hundred miles.

When it's hot all the time, everyplace, all you need to worry about bringing is rain gear. When you set out at low temperatures you have to bring all your cold gear. When riding one up that isn't so bad, but two up it puts a real premium on luggage space.

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We've had the EOM on the same weekend for the last two years. Sure seems to work out well. Why tamper w/ success?
Well, if you are a teacher whose "has had the whole summer off" your boss isn't likely to say go ahead take a day at the start of the semester to go to EOM. I'm not at a point where I can plan an event, so I guess I'm out of luck.
You could try to make it to the Ramble in June, it's not as big...but it's a lot of fun

Well, it looks like we're going to have a ramble in southeast Ohio, or somewhere within a tank of gas from there, in June 2009. No tshirts and dinner event like EOM, but lots of good riding and fun with other FJR owners.

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Ionbeam, maybe we could host a EOM here in New England around the end of August? I think Jeff Ashe would love to ride our roads again.


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