SW WI Spin July 20th!

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Dangit OFace! Couldn't ya have set up a ride a little closer to MN? That's almost a tank full away from here.

I've been eyeing this thread and the temptation it presents. But seeing as how I'm lacking in self control......I see no other option but to go. There I said it and I can't take it back.

You know there's a feeling of euphoria in giving in <siggghhh>.

Most likely it'll just be Friday night and book it for home after Saturday's ride.

BTW I just had to edit this post so you would get 2 notifications. LMAO had to be sure you read this

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Sweet! It's almost exactly between my house and you MN guys.

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You all have fun. I'm going to be near the Grand Canyon with wifey that weekend.
I'm surprised more people aren't jumping on this group ride and chance to get to spin your wheels in SW WI.

I knew the Minnesotans had a bad reputation...I just didn't know it was this bad.
Can't believe you prefer looking at a big hole in the ground instead of a spin in SW WI.

Bump. Make your room reservation. I'm letting the room I have on hold go tomorrow afternoon.

OK, since no one else is offering, I will.

I'll bring the nuts. :)
No, you lost your nuts. Someone else is gonna have to step up and bring the your nuts.
Not me.

I just booked a room for the 20th, not sure what time I will make it up, have a Wedding to attend up in Fontana Wi, staying Fri. nite at the Abbey Resort, so I'm not sure what condition my condition will be in, will not make it by 8a.m. to Richland ctr. Will run Loop towards you guys and hopefully run into you y'all,, maybe not good choice of words (run into), but you know what I mean.

I have the following week off of work and plan on ridding around up north for a few days. I was wondering if Gramps could download into my gps with some of OFace's Dusty goat trails that he likes's riding, so I can ride them again!

I just booked a room for the 20th, not sure what time I will make it up, have a Wedding to attend up in Fontana Wi, staying Fri. nite at the Abbey Resort, so I'm not sure what condition my condition will be in, will not make it by 8a.m. to Richland ctr. Will run Loop towards you guys and hopefully run into you y'all,, maybe not good choice of words (run into), but you know what I mean.
I have the following week off of work and plan on ridding around up north for a few days. I was wondering if Gramps could download into my gps with some of OFace's Dusty goat trails that he likes's riding, so I can ride them again!
Excellent Gary! I can do that no problem.

Sweet! I'll add you to the list. Gramps has that new Triumph, so he's Captain Goat Trail now.
Thanks, I'll use that.

You all have fun. I'm going to be near the Grand Canyon with wifey that weekend.
I'm surprised more people aren't jumping on this group ride and chance to get to spin your wheels in SW WI.

I knew the Minnesotans had a bad reputation...I just didn't know it was this bad.
Can't believe you prefer looking at a big hole in the ground instead of a spin in SW WI.
Looking at the Grand Canyon is like looking at the Rocky Mountains, only in reverse. Once you've seen one, you've seen the other.

You all have fun. I'm going to be near the Grand Canyon with wifey that weekend.
I'm surprised more people aren't jumping on this group ride and chance to get to spin your wheels in SW WI.

I knew the Minnesotans had a bad reputation...I just didn't know it was this bad.
Can't believe you prefer looking at a big hole in the ground instead of a spin in SW WI.
Looking at the Grand Canyon is like looking at the Rocky Mountains, only in reverse. Once you've seen one, you've seen the other.

OFace, what were your thoughts on that route of your's? Clockwise or counterclockwise?

As it turns out I have a family reunion up in Mercer near the UP. I could make my mandatory (seems like it anyways) appearance Thursday n Friday and leave early enough to meet y'all at the start. Or just figure on meeting up enroute somewheres.

I figured we'd go clockwise. That way we hopefully won't be fighting the sun. I'll post the files soon.

Aw shitski, now the crazy thoughts are creeping in. If I were to make one of my waypoints in Oshgosh, and then return to the family reunion that night, I could make an instate SS1K out of this trip. Like I said, crazy thinking; no interstate anywheres in the route.

Then again, maybe it's time I actually work for one of those smaller cert.s.

Then again, maybe it's time I actually work for one of those smaller cert.s.
Yeah, like getting there and back without losing your yellow nuts.

j/k Mikey....
LOL Yeah I quess the whole secret really is about staying upright. Can't afford to spill the nuts anymore.

Just spoke with a buddy of mine, Bob <busadevil>, and he would like to join in on the festivities. Gramps has met at Tech Day. Actually Bob was quite instrumental in building my confidence when I first got my bike.
