EOM 2015 Routes

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Spklbuk, it's called "Humor". It's long time friends poking fun at each other. It's what we do sprinkled in between helping each other with all things in the motorcycle world. Please don't tell me that you're that thin skinned and sensitive about what some people in this country perceive as life in Appalachia. Movies like Deliverance weren't made up out of whole cloth. There's a smidgen of truth to all stereotypes. No one is saying that it's all true about all of them. That particular scene in the movie creeped my the **** out but, that kid in the dueling banjos scene was the neatest thing I've ever seen in my life. I loved it. I have three cousins like that. Can't fault the parents I guess. Love is love, Right? So, what I'm saying is that we all have a sense of humor. Some more than others. You need to dig in deep and find yours and let it come out and play. Clocklaw, El Toro Joe and I will buy you a beer at the party and you can finally put to rest the rumor that it's still legal to marry your sister in WV. Deal?
Screw that. A gauntlet has been laid. Y'all stole my pig. Earmarks indistinguishable my azz...

In 1878, thirteen years later, a stolen pig added fuel to the fire between the Hatfields and McCoys. In the southern Appalachian region, food was scarce. A full-grown razorback provided meat and was a huge trade chip within the economy. According to Dean King’s book The Feud, a razorback “was where their next meal was going to come from, and how they could feed their children in the winter. If they were lucky enough to have one for sell or trade, the proceeds were used to acquire flour, sugar, and coffee or sometimes shoes or boots for their families. It was a mainstay for their family.” Needless to say, hog stealing was a big deal.

In the winter of 1878, Randall McCoy thought he was missing a prized razorback and followed the tracks to Floyd Hatfield’s place (who was also related to Randall McCoy’s wife). When questioned, Hatfield insisted it was his razorback, despite the earmark being nonexistent or indistinguishable (hog’s earmarks usually could determine whose pig it was). Randall McCoy was infuriated and took the matter to the Justice of Peace, Preacher Anse Hatfield (a cousin of Devil Anse – everyone was related).

A “jury of peers” was set up with six Hatfields and six McCoys. In the end, the final verdict depended on the testimony of McCoy’s nephew, Bill Staton. He said the pig belonged to Hatfield.

A McCoy on the jury ended up siding with the Hatfields and by a 7-5 vote, the razorback belonged to Floyd Hatfield. A few months later, Bill Stanton was killed by two McCoys and the feud turned bloody.

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Jim, I've heard the banjo music in SEO already, so take no offense. You are and always will be my bestest WV friend/tour guide, and we will share birthday drinks next weekend.

I don't have sisters. Does that mean I'm banned from some of these places? I have sisters-in-law, however, and two of them are single ....... I mean, if that helps.

And all y'all have dragged this thread ("EOM 2015 Routes") way off-topic.

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I've stayed out of all this riff-raff, mainly b/c it's trivial and in reality we all like WV and the roads within.

My g/f has been telling all her friends about how excited she is to go to WV for the very first time. Most have replied back as "why?, what's there?" and her response has been "a fun time with my man's motorcycling buddies!". It's ended at that, not one comeback.

Looking forward to WV! :)

KJ & Debbie

Our brew crew, coming down to beautiful WV (plus Wine Guy not pic'd)

Rick - KJ - Steamer - Deb - Robert


You know KJ, Debbie makes even the "svelte" FJR owners look a bit large. For those of us "Rosbustos", all I can say is OMG!

Looking at the Puckered Sphincter route looks interesting and will allow me a slight side trip to get a Tour of Honor location. Anyone else attending foing the Tour of Honor this year?

Hopefully I'll have time between now and Thursday morning departure to update the maps on my GPS and download these routes. Otherwise I'm just gonna follow someone who is at least as slow as I am, and I basically haven't ridden in 2015 so I'm gonna be REALLY rusty and slower than usual.

Hopefully I'll have time between now and Thursday morning departure to update the maps on my GPS and download these routes. Otherwise I'm just gonna follow someone who is at least as slow as I am, and I basically haven't ridden in 2015 so I'm gonna be REALLY rusty and slower than usual.
Working Man's Blues. LOL, Congrats (or condolences) on your change in status since last EOM.

You know KJ, Debbie makes even the "svelte" FJR owners look a bit large. For those of us "Rosbustos", all I can say is OMG!
haha! I just re-looked at that pic. I'm sure glad Stan says he's the only "buff" one in our group~! ...cuz if that's buff?, I want to be a wad-a-heehee!

BTW- "Chicken" will be packed and loaded. ;)

Hopefully I'll have time between now and Thursday morning departure to update the maps on my GPS and download these routes. Otherwise I'm just gonna follow someone who is at least as slow as I am, and I basically haven't ridden in 2015 so I'm gonna be REALLY rusty and slower than usual.
Great, so now we're changing our names for this event.

Andy is really Rusty.

KJ then is Andy. (does that mean I get lost a lot?)

Question is, who is DonS and BillyF coming as? hmmmm

Looking at the Puckered Sphincter route looks interesting and will allow me a slight side trip to get a Tour of Honor location. Anyone else attending foing the Tour of Honor this year?
I am. In fact, I'm leaving Savannah tomorrow to spend the next couple of days on the hunt for Statue Of Liberty replicas.

Lunch tomorrow in Greenville with Wheaton... PM me if interested...

Looking at the Puckered Sphincter route looks interesting and will allow me a slight side trip to get a Tour of Honor location. Anyone else attending foing the Tour of Honor this year?
I am. In fact, I'm leaving Savannah tomorrow to spend the next couple of days on the hunt for Statue Of Liberty replicas.
I really hate BaseCamp. I've been trying for nearly two hours to do a couple simple (or it would seem to be simple) things:

1)Get a view of the routes on the map without a "vector"view. The last two routes (...promenade, and ...adventure) come up as straight lines still, even though I put them in custom "lists," like the others.

2) trying to create a route from home to Lewisburg the way I want to go. I ended up with about eight waypoints for the hotel, because BaseCamp doesn't recognize the address, and clicking on the map makes a new waypoint. I deleted those, but then it just went to the spinning ball of death. Heck, it took 15 minutes and four tries to get it to identify my home address. Fn stoopid.

MapQuest did the same thing, not that I could've ported that over to the GPS anyway.

I can get there with my eyes closed, via my chosen route, or the interstate, or however. I just wanted to load the f*****g thing into the GPS on principle.

40 minutes later, I hate BaseCamp even more. I watched two of the tutorial videos, clicked in waypoints all the way up there, took four tries to get a start and end point, then when I clicked to try to add waypoints to the route window, it crashed.

F'it. See you Thursday.

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