Attn: Miami/FTL/Palm Beach Riders

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Well-known member
May 1, 2006
Reaction score
Miramar, FL
I had to opportunity to ride with another forum member on Saturday (daviddowns) and thought that since there are a few of us in the Miami/FTL/Palm Beach area that we might get together once a month for an informal group ride. With the weather about to take a turn for the nice October would be a good time to start.

I was thinking meeting for an early breakfast and then hit the road for a few hours alternating rides between Miami/FTL and Palm Beach to equalize the riding time.

Let me know if it sounds worthwhile.

icedog75, aka, John J.

Sounds good. Since you started, we hereby nominate you as the group leader. Pick your place and time.

I'll take that challenge. I'll send some PM's out this afternoon and see how many folks I can line up for this Sunday.

Sounds good. Since you started, we hereby nominate you as the group leader. Pick your place and time.


I'll take that challenge. I'll send some PM's out this afternoon and see how many folks I can line up for this Sunday.
I would love to join in but have to work on Sunday. Keep me posted of future rides. :(


We've got 6 or so FJR riders lined up for this Sunday. I'll post details on the starting point tonight for anyone who wants to drop in. Thinking ahead to November I was thinking the 12th out of Palm Beach, however, that is Veteran's Day weekend. While I don't get a long weekend I'm sure a lot of others do. The following weekend is the lead-in to Thanksgiving. So I'm open to suggestions on the date.

I'm putting together an email list for contact purposes. If you want to be on the list shoot me your email.



Nice ride on Sunday 11/12/06. Thanks John and Peter. Lets plan a ride to Homestead Miami Speedway on Dec 2nd and 3rd for Championship Cup Series motorcycle road racing. Hope to see you there. :)
