Black Hills Rendezvous FJR/DUAL SPORT/ADV Bike - "Non-Rally" in the Black Hills June 20-23 2024 Steak Dinner and Registration now open!

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My better half decided she wanted to come along to enjoy the roads and see the sights, so I cancelled my BW reservation and booked a spot for our RV at Chris' Camp about two miles away. Did you all know there is both an ST1300 (Honda) group there during the same dates as well as some of those famously overdressed BMW riders?! Should be an interesting convention. ;)


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Do you mean, something like this?:
Oh man, I can almost forgive the 10 year old's hat style since in fact, I spy a Roadcrafter suit! Been a long time wearer of Aerostich, both the Roadcrafter and Darien. Great stuff. Always in style too!


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Just learned of this Non-rally! Haven't been following the page much this winter. Is there a list of attendees somewhere? Anyone heading there from Manitoba? Anyone know if rooms are still available at the group rate?
Group rate should be over, but I'll take a roommate if you want to split mine.
Thanks for the offer James, but I'd be coming down with my wife so would want our own room. And not knowing about this rally, we submitted our passports for renewal a few weeks back and have still not received the replacements, so are kinda stuck this side of the border until they arrive. If they don't arrive early next week it doesn't look like we'll be able to make this rally. They were supposed to arrive this past week, so hoping we see them soon, and if so we may be a last minute sign-up.