My hero

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one of those musician types
Apr 9, 2006
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Rockport, TX
I just got word this Monday from Dad’s doctor that he has a cancerous mass in his pancreas and is not a good candidate for any chemo or operation because of his age (83) and poor health. I am in route for Rockport, Tx (home) to help Mom take care of him at our house with hospice help (3 days a week). He is going downhill in a hurry and will be in a lot of pain. Be praying for our family. His name is also Dan (Jr.).

Dan - very sorry to hear about your Dad. It'll mean a lot to you both that you're there for him.



our prayers, good thoughts, and best wishes go out to your dad, and to you and your mom. no two ways about it, thats a very difficult diagnosis. I'm sure you know that nows the time to say everything you've always wanted to say to him but never got around to saying, let him know how much you love him, and let him understand that he really is your hero. bless you for heading out to be with him and to support mom in the process -- she'll really need you.

you're doing a great thing, but mercy thats a hard passage.

travel safe and let us know what else your extended family here can do.

take care and best regards.


bless you for heading out to be with him and to support mom in the process -- she'll really need you.

A very difficult Stepping Stone of Life you're about to do here. BTDT, it can be a hard, hard thing.

Re: the pain aspect. They have some pharmaceuticals today that will place him on Cloud 9, yet allow him to remain coherent enough to communicate and the ability to recognize those around him. Insist that he have these.

We'll be thinking of you and yours.....

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I just got word this Monday from Dad’s doctor that he has a cancerous mass in his pancreas and is not a good candidate for any chemo or operation because of his age (83) and poor health. I am in route for Rockport, Tx (home) to help Mom take care of him at our house with hospice help (3 days a week). He is going downhill in a hurry and will be in a lot of pain. Be praying for our family. His name is also Dan (Jr.).
Our thoughts are with you and your family

Sorry to hear about your dad. Sounds like he has had a very full and rewarding human experience.

If there's a bright side to cancer, it's that the ones left behind usually get a chance to say their goodbyes, unlike more sudden forms of demise. Celebrate his life and the good times, make the best of what time you have left together.

Prayers going out for your Dad and family Dan. Good on ya for going down to help out. It looks like my older brother is coming up on a second battle with cancer... sucks big time.

Prayers sent. I hope the best that can happen for your family does happen. My mother died last November, and I remember all that went on. Go day by day, the best you can and accept support as well as give it.

My Dad is my hero too. We are both lucky to have fathers that give their kids that feeling. All our best and prayers to you and your family Dan.

Thoughts are out to you Dan. My folks are getting up there too. Prolly in my not to distant future as well. Stay strong.

Thoughts and prayers to you and your family.

All I can say is stay strong. I lost my father to alzheimers 2 1/2 years ago. He was only 63. The support of family and friends is the best medicine for all.

God bless,


The title of this thread makes it clear your father's life has been triumphant. That's a great theme for the rest of your time together. Cry together, but laugh together a whole lot more.

There's no need for pain. Pain is biology's "Check Engine" light. Once you're aware of the problem, pain has done its job, and you can and should hit the reset button. As Warchild says, they make some really great drugs these days. Go get some.

I wish you and your father, and the rest of your family, an abundance of peace.

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Thoughts are with you Dan. As the 'rents move up in age, it's inevitable that things will go bad. I've been through a few with my pop (Prostate cancer, 7-way bypass, Pulmonary Fibrosis...and they're just the big ones). fortunately, he's still with us. Be thankful that you have the opportunity to be with him and tell him everything you ever wanted say. some aren't so fortunate. all the best to you and your family.

The folks involved with Hospice certainly know what to do to help make him as comfortable as he can be.

Thoughts and prayers are with you.


Sorry to hear the news of your Dad. I went through a period of time where my father was very ill and, as a family, someone stayed with him every day (nearly every hour). But when the time came and he took his last breath, only my mother and myself were there. In the years that have followed since then, I look back on that experience as one of the best of my life.....I know it sounds kind of strange, but to be with him and to hold him and to comfort him in the last moments of his life will be something that you will always treasure and something that you will think about often. Good luck and know that people are praying for you and your family.



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