Save The Date - NERDS '13

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OK, I just did some testing and it appears that the code running on our NERDS web site merchandise ordering page is no longer compatible with all browsers...
At least the voices in my head give me the correct information when things don't appear correct.

More investigation shows that it is indeed some changes at Paypal that have caused our NERDS Merchandise web pages to not work right any more. You'll note when you log in to Paypal now that it brings you to a "new and improved" front page and that you now have to select "take me to my account" or "Switch to classic Paypal" to see what you are used to.

I'm pretty sure that this means that we would have to regenerate the code for our shopping cart buttons, but since the ordering deadline is just a couple weeks away that probably isn't going to happen in time.

Please just contact me directly for any merchandise orders.

Sorry for the inconvenience, and thanks in advance for your orders.

Well life happens
We are moving from the Cleveland area to Webster MA and we are just getting into our house when NERDS takes place. I was so looking forward to this event - this is becoming a lost summer for me away from my race bike and my FJR as we are living out of a Residence INN (for 2 monhths errg) till we get into our house. I had already registered and bought a T-Shirt. If YammahaFitter does not want it you can resell it and just use the $ to offset any other costs of the event. I am looking forward to participating in any regional rides any of you may put together in the RI, CT, MA area and do NErds next year. Crap.


First off congrats for a move to New England. It's a great place to live and raise a family (if that is your intent) and Webster is a pretty good choice from what I know of it. Of course it isn't in New Hampshire, but for a Mass town it's a good one. ;)

Second, if you'd like to get your NERDS shirt I will figure a way to get it to you. We are not a charity raising type event, and it would never fit Yamafitter anyway... Maybe we can see you sometime later in the year somewhere and make the handoff?

Sorry life got in your way and you won't make it. You're gonna miss out on a bunch of fun, but you probably already realize that. But I had to rub it in anyway 9(it's my job). ;)

....We are not a charity raising type event, and it would never fit Yamafitter anyway...
Where there's a will, there's a way Bill. We'll make it fit 'the fitter'.

Ray- you just may need some Bike RnR after all that mov'n. Don't bail yet!

If you need an excuse to tell wifey, hey, I'll ask my buddy Stan, he has a huge bag full of BS and all of his lovely ladies go on believing in him

This is your 30 Day Warning shot!!


Yep that's right, just 30 more sleeps till all the NERDS fun happens up in Stowe, Vermont.

This coming Saturday (the 20th) is the last day to order NERDS '13 merchandise (Tee shirts, mugs and stickers). After that I will place the order with the printer and you will be SOL. There will be no late orders, no second round of opportunities. Don't be the only nerd at NERDS without one of the trendy, yet oh so chic NERDS tee shirts. At $12.50 a pop we are practically giving them away!!

The NERDS web site's Paypal ordering linkage is FUBAR, but you can still see what is available and how much it will cost on the NERDS Merchandise Webpage. So just PM me with whatever you'll want and I will send you a Paypal invoice for your goodies.

Also, if you have still not made your reservations with the Commodores Inn, you had better get hot on that ASAP. I haven't heard from the hotel that they want to release the extra rooms yet, but I expect that just about any day now. Get on it, Bunky!!

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Today is the last day to get an order in for NERDS Merchandise. I need to place the order with the screen printer tomorrow.

If you want some shirts, mugs or stickers,. and haven't already ordered and paid for them, send me a PM with what you want and your email address, and I will send you back a Paypal Invoice for the goodies.

As of right now, anyone that I have invoiced orders to your payments have all been received fine, so you are all set.

Also, fair warning to the procrastinators: I have spoken with Carrie at the Commodores Inn and they will hold the last rooms open for us only until the end of July, after which they will need to release them. That seems fair enough. If you still don't have a room reserved you have another 10 days to do it or else you'll be SOL.

Forum names of the folks who are registered on the NERDS web site but that I do not see rooms reserved for are:









Mr Bill (was just added)

If you think you already have a reservation but are on that list above, that means that you are not currently in the group, so you will not get the NERDS group rate. Call the hotel and have them put you in the NERDS group so you get the reduced rate.

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Well life happens :fool: We are moving from the Cleveland area to Webster MA and we are just getting into our house when NERDS takes place. I was so looking forward to this event - this is becoming a lost summer for me away from my race bike and my FJR as we are living out of a Residence INN (for 2 monhths errg) till we get into our house. I had already registered and bought a T-Shirt. If YammahaFitter does not want it you can resell it and just use the $ to offset any other costs of the event. I am looking forward to participating in any regional rides any of you may put together in the RI, CT, MA area and do NErds next year. Crap.
So I have a huge change of plans and am back in. My wife has said I have been working so hard on the house she wants me to go as her birthday present to me:). So no one take my damn shirt or eat my BBQ :) . Coming from Woodstock ct area either Thursday evening or Friday evening depending on work obligations. Looking forward to seeing everyone. I have had zero riding all year and only 2 race weekends so will be rusty but happy!


Your shirt is safe. I had already wrapped it up and tagged it with your name in hopes that your plans would somehow change.

See you up there next week!!

So...I assume everybody had a good time, and there weren't too many fights in the parking lot between the Yankees and the New Yorkers...

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Yeah, yeah... So I threw the inside fastball at Big Ogre and beaned him, and then both teams came out on the field. Serves him right for drinking that performance enhancing bourbon.

No, seriously... it was a great week of fun up in Stowe. We got really lucky (yet again!) with the weather and it was nice and cool and dry almost all week. What a joy it is to ride through the mountains with temps in the 60's and 70's all day. Never even went over 80 and there was no humidity to speak of.

Regrettably we did have a few bike incidents this year, spoiling our previously unblemished record, but I guess it was only a matter of time.

I'll be starting a new thread soon on what lies ahead for the FJR NERDS for 2014.

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As Fred said, the weather was perfect and it sure looked like everyone had a good time. We lost some of the regulars due to familiarity and lack of any new games, but we also had some new riders joining us that want to do it again.

The 'beams had a blast yet again, we really enjoy the area. I have 7.38e6 pictures to sort through, I assume I will find some worth posting but life has other plans for me over the next month or so.

As far as our unblemished record getting blemished, it was mostly strange stuff. We had zero mph FJR dominoes when parking was too steep for side stands and a little push started Bad Things. We also had another zero mph FJR dominoes at the hotel when someone toppled parked bikes. We had one minor incident in a construction area, and there were LOTS of road destruction all over. The most disturbing incident happened with a video camera and unnecessary shooting of runs through Smuggler's Notch. While the rider steps up and says that he knows that his actions resulted in the ditch diving; if the camera wasn't there the back and forth runs probably wouldn't have occurred and possibly the speed would have been less. Cameras shooting the scenery - good; cameras shooting FJRs riding hard - bad. Don't be that clip on Youtube.

On the other hand, after all the uh-ohs everyone pitched in and helped patch parts, donated bits 'n pieces and a little redneck engineering to get all the bikes back in riding condition. A big thanks to FJRed for the use of his garage, tools and skills to heal some of the worst damage.

Was very much skin left on the roads...or just plastic bitsTM?

Yeah, it's too bad about the oopsies...but if no serious hospital bills occured...then not a bad week.

Hope all get home safely.

Oh, and Alan, lets hope that sorting of 7.38e6 pictures doesn't take too much time.

We're waiting here...your mom will have to wait. Doesn't she know you have a whole internet community waiting on you?

Well, okay, mom first...but then us!

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No, that is the good news. Nobody was badly hurt. No road rashes, except on a few bikes.

But Alan's point seems like a valid one to me. Not only do I dislike lame ass videos (of people just touring along), I dislike the ones where friends ride off the road (because they are trying to not be lame assed) even more. I know, the same thing can (and does) happen when we are just in a faster group and some feel peer pressure to ride over their head a little, but having the camera rolling is like saying "Hol' mah beer, and watch this."

Before that Notch biff happened last week we were already discussing the omnipresent video cams. What do the cops think when they see a motorcycle rider with a GoPro strapped on their helmet? Isn't that akin to waving a radar detector around?

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One man's lameass...may be another's winter doldrums cure...

I wholeheartedly agree about being safe in a group setting. But it's difficult to have group FJR socials without there being people around.

Sometimes, newbies (and oldies alike - me included) just get the adrenalin flowing at group events and forget that it's "safety" first and not "having riotous fun on the roadways" first.

That's why all the danged speeches and messages prior to events and rides.

It's that want to meet new FJR owners...just not ones that will crash because of peer pressure. I've ruined or damaged my share of riding I speak as one not throwing stones.

Glad everybody had a good time...hopefully Louanne and I will be up there next year or the year after.

Aww, c'mon don't blame the camera. It's pretty much the same thing as blaming the bike for being dangerous, or the Power Commander, or looking down at your GPS one second too long. The trick is all things in moderation, right?

As for an unblemished record, I'm going on record that if a bike falls over with nobody on it, it doesn't count. Especially if the knucklehead who did it is extremely good looking and stylish, and covering all the repairs. Sorry Bill your fkd on this one.
